Freshman - Meal plan or no meal plan?

<p>^ Right, and I’m saying that meal plans are on schedules, which wouldn’t work if I was trying to study all the time :)</p>

<p>^I was not being literal. I meant studying with minimal effort in doing anything else, and minimal effort would mean just going to the dining hall at eating times rather than doing extra work to get groceries/cook/etc. </p>

<p>^ Oh, I was talking about when people enter hell week – they seem to end up shifted to times where dining halls don’t really work well :P</p>

<p>Relating to the meal plans, what exactly are the policies for taking out food? Are we allowed to take out small snacks or something? I also saw a form thing on the MIT dining website for carry out meals or for students who are sick or have class during meal times. Does someone have more insight on this? It’s hard to imagine a student having to fill out a form every time they have a certain class or something :/</p>

<p>You can either use the boxes to carry out food, or you can eat in the dining hall. You can’t do both. </p>

<p>Generally, you can take out small amounts of food - no one’s going to yell at you if you take out an apple or a muffin or something. But if you’re trying to take out a full meal, you might get yelled at.</p>