Freshman Seminar Order

<p>I am planning on taking the Freshman Seminar ORDER: on recent discoveries by Emory Researchers. </p>

<p>I was wondering if someone could tell me the difference between the two sections like what topics will be covered in each section.</p>

<p>ECFS 190-000
Topic: Layers of Human Experience: Molecules, Methods, & Metaphysical Madness</p>

<p>ECFS 190-001
Topic: Sex Drugs and Vodou Spirits: Exploring Health from Molecules to Society</p>

<p>Don’t know, I thought there was only one main section, guess not. The second one sounds cool. Either will be good and they’ll both use the same methodology (split into modules, different specialists, etc.)</p>

<p>From what I have heard, the first section (190-000) is a reserved section for only the studens taking Soria’s Freshmen organic chemistry course. At least, that what it seems like according to a letter he sent out.</p>

<p>Yeah, that’s basically the case. It’s normally a little more complex than that, but that’s basically it.</p>

<p>Sorry for the typos. That’s what I get for responding on my phone. =P</p>

<p>Is it more complex in that one is harder than the other? I know they cover different topics, but are they relatively the same level, or does the first do stuff that is related to the Organic Chemistry class?</p>

<p>No, the permission based one is not only targeting students in Jose’s class, but students who find out and sign up for something else. At least that’s normally how it is run. It is complicated to explain, so I’ll just let y’all find out about it at the information fair during orientation (should be addressed by Soria himself). I am not sure if the two are run differently from each other. That is a possibility. I just know that neither focuses on orgo. related stuff. It’s all about being exposed to different fields of research occurring at Emory. In both, you take field trips (mainly the Yerkes field station one county north of Emory’s as opposed to the Yerkes on campus as the former is larger and perhaps more important), visit labs, perhaps conduct experiments, etc. However, the depth of certain assignments or projects may vary. For example, one may tell you to do a large group research project, and one may tell you to do that and/or write up a research proposal. I have no idea. I’m thinking along the lines that one will establish a closer relationship to Dr. David Lynn which is another awesome connection to have. Again, I won’t explain how to gain admission to the permission based section because I am not absolutely sure as the process varies a lot each year. Just find out at orientation on Saturday.</p>

<p>Sounds like a plan! Thanks! :)</p>