Freshman Seminars

<p>Which Colleges have them?</p>

<p>and -Do they have them for Honors students only?</p>

<p>Which Colleges do not have them?</p>

<p>Many, many colleges have some version of the freshman seminar -- some with a choice of topics, some with designated, survey-type curriculum. There is no neat little list of who has them and who does not. Why don't you instead try figuring out what schools interest you the most and then take a look at the particulars of those schools, including the freshman seminar issue.</p>

<p>Thanks. I guess I was hoping for the "neat list". Oh well.</p>

<p>Freshman Seminars are a waste of your time and a waste of your tuition dollars.</p>

<p>Swarthmore College offers First-Year Seminars (FYS courses) in most departments and every student can generally expect to take at least one. Some departments, such as English Lit, use the FYS offerings as the entry-level pre-req courses replacing traditional Freshman 101 courses.</p>

<p>I couldn't disagree more that they are a "waste". To the contrary, I think that the FYS are a good way to get new college students fully engaged in interactive education from the get-go.</p>

<p>I know Vanderbilt has First-Year Writing Seminars.<br>

Freshman Seminars are a waste of your time and a waste of your tuition dollars.


Personally, I think it's a great way to get everyone on the same page in terms of writing skills. If you came from a really ghetto high school, wouldn't you want the opportunity to be able to catch up to your peers?</p>

<p>Berkeley has a lot of freshman seminars, they are one unit P/NP courses.</p>