Freshman Year: Chaos ensues

that’s interesting- I’m holding off on reaching out to orgs about guide dogs for now unless my vision worsens, since my sight is decent enough to not use a cane or guide dog. looking for a prospect is also on hold since my dog retired out about a year and a half ago and I’ve been alright without him (meaning currently I can be pretty independent without a SD) plus academics are my top priority along with my health- but service dog stuff is in the back of the closet for now. /warmly, appreciative, explaining

…crossing the road still sucks though. /adding on; chuckling

edit; that’s all I wanted to share update wise so please try to keep the chat quiet til I update bc I will not have time to check updates! :white_heart: DMs are easier than spamming the thread anyways, imo. /warmly

…another edit but if anyone has good fantasy or just good book recs in general please DM me bc I need more book recs!! /adding on

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hi y’all. it’s been awhile, and i’ve decided for personal reasons to close this thread permanently. if you’d like to stay updated on my happenings, please feel free to DM me. otherwise, i’m logging off CC. it’s been a ride, y’all. a real one, and i’m very blessed to have had y’all follow me for so long. it’s just the end of an iconic era. i am definitely around, just lurking on threads (cough) but DM me if you’d ever like updates. you guys can leave final comments before i ask the uppers to close the thread for me, so. it’s been a journey and if you want updates, you know where to reach me. (DMs, that is.) thanks for understanding, y’all. stay blessed! :white_heart: /warmly

edit: i’ve heard from a couple CCers that it might seem like i’m leaving college. TO CLARIFY- i am not! I’m just leaving CC (for the most part) is all, due to my personal reasons. one of the main ones being focusing on college. My chaos happenings will definitely still transpire, and my DMs will be open (i will fix my settings as well to make sure y’all can keep in touch.) /warmly


I tried to send you a message and got a pop up that said you were NOT accepting messages.


premed_equestrian’s profile is hidden, so to send a PM you have to start it from your own avatar, click on the envelope, click new message, and address to @premed_equestrian

Thank you for the final update and for sharing your journey with the CC community. I wish you a wonderful college experience and have no doubt you will continue to touch others in both your personal and professional life. Hugs and best wishes.


That is what I did. I got a pop up saying the account was not accepting messages.

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huh- that’s weird- i’ll DM you and then you can ask me what you wanted to. /confused

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You may need to check this setting.


I tried messaging too, got same response. I have been thinking about you, hoping you were settling in well and doing well in classes, was worried that the silence might mean otherwise. Hope all is okay.

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My settings are edited, you should be able to DM me now. /warmly

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Doesnt work. I just wanted to let u know that if premed isnt going swimmingly, just study what u love, and u can do a postbac premed program later on.


Thank you- I appreciate the advice. /warmly

Wishing you the very best as you continue on your journey.


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To send a message…hit your avatar. Then hit the little envelope twice. The second time, you will see “new message” tap that and in the box for the recipient, type in this poster’s screen name then do a subject and message…and send.

It worked just fine for me just now.

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