Freshman year courses - are they possible?

Hi, I’m a frosh who will be attending Princeton next year. I was checking out classes and I’ve figured out the schedule I’d like to take, but I’ve been checking posts that are somewhat intimidating me, so I was wondering if I could get any input on the possibility of the schedule.

CHI 101 Intro Chinese
PHY 105 Advanced Mech
MAT 215 Intro to Analysis
COS 126 Intro to CS
FRS 167 Neuroethics (this one is of course dependent on my getting into this seminar)

I’ve self studied a (very) little bit of Chinese, so I’m hoping that will ease me into CHI 101, but I’ve heard Princeton’s Chinese program is fairly demanding. As for PHY 105, I’ve taken AP Physics C and got 5s on both exams, and found it fairly easy as well as having taken an independent study in Modern Physics (special relativity and an intro to quantum mech) which was much less easy but in theory doable. For MAT 215, I’ve taken multivar calc, lin al, diff eqs, complex analysis and real analysis (using Abbott, not baby rudin). For COS 126, I’ve programmed in HS for 3 years and it has come naturally to me, so I’m not at all worried.

For each of the courses independently, I know I would be pretty well prepared, but taking them together is where I’m getting nervous.

Is this still a bit much for me?

For the record, diff eqs, complex analysis and real analysis were all essentially self study so I’ve never really taken a test written by an actual teacher or professor.

@pton21phys The PHY and MAT will be tougher than you think, but sounds like you are prepared Self-studying is helpful, but Princeton is difficult. Why 5 classes your first semester? You are AB, right? Personally, I’d ask the students at realtalk Princeton (it’s a student run tumblr) their opinion.

You have to get special permission to take 5 classes 1st semester. They generally want you to only take 4 so you have more time to integrate socially. Did you look at the integrated science curriculum?