Freshman year of College over, HELP

posting here because couldn’t find correct forum

I attend a regular state college and I finished my freshman year of college with a 3.1 GPA and I don’t know how to feel about this or how to take it and if this is good or bad.

I am a Political Science major on a Pre-Pharmacy track and I had credit for most of the Gen Eds from high school so I got started right away with the science and math classes for pharmacy school prerequisites and a couple intro level political science courses.
I am used to getting 3.8-4.0 in HS so I’m feeling really pessimistic about everything and I don’t know what to expect for the future in terms of getting into a good program. Whether poli sci grad school or pharmacy school.

If I was just a Political Science major I know I would have a much higher GPA right now because I wouldn’t have taken the STEM courses that come with being a pre-health student :frowning:

But I like both very much and I haven’t ever gotten anything below a B in a class this year but my final gpa has overall made me doubtful of my success. Any advice, please?

This is college and “A’s” are harder to come by, Particularly in a public university where grade inflation is minimal. A 3.1 is a good gpa coming out of freshman year which is a tough transitional year for a lot of kids. You are doing just fine. Keep working away. No reason to be feeling bad or unsuccessful.

A 3.1 freshman year is just fine. The key is to take stock and figure out what you can do next year to keep improving. Grades tend to rise as you fully get into your major. Breathe…3.1…solid GPA…good job!

i would say that that gpa is not terrible…but for pre- anything you need to get it up.
Figure out what you can do differently…here are ideas:

Most college students will have lower grades than in HS- even the A’s in everything/top test scores students. College is meant to be more challenging. A B or better is great.

Since you found chose poli sci for your major, like it plus did better in that than the STEM courses you may need to rethink your career objectives. Just because it was your HS plan and likely a secure future it may not be your best option. Find out the gpa required for pharmacy and the competitiveness for getting into programs. Did you truly enjoy your science courses? If you struggled to get the B’s you may prefer to change your plans.

Check out your schools tutoring. Don’t wait until your in over your head next year because by then it is probably to late. Go as soon as you hit something that you don’t understand or are not really sure how to do. Your not in high school anymore. No more guided notes to rely on.