Freshmen Application Mistake possibilities?

I made a mistake while filling out my grades, if I am unable to change them and get rejected anyway, will I still be able to apply as a transfer? So I put my grades wrong but since I didn’t get in anyway, they didn’t even check my transcript. If I apply again as a transfer, will the discrepancy between the two applications matter?

If you made mistakes on the UC application, once you setup your UC student portals, you can try to correct the mistakes or email admissions directly with your corrections. Once they acknowledge they have received your corrections, keep all documentation.

If for some reason you are rejected, yes you can apply as a Junior level transfer (60 semester/90 quarter units) after you completed the required GE and major requirements. The transfer application will be reviewed under the transfer admissions criteria and your Freshman UC application will not be a consideration. Basically you can start all over as a transfer.