<p>I know that I’m not alone on this whole “newbie” graduation thing. At this point, my brain is toast. I can’t keep things straight. Two different school systems, two different end of the year schedules, graduation, traveling husband, visiting every hotel within a 2 mile radius to ensure that all out-of-towners will be happy with their accommodations and spiffing up the entire backyard alone is not something that I care to do all over again. I haven’t returned any calls for days. My house is a disaster, but the yard looks great ;)</p>

<p>Driving home from picking up D2 from evening swim practice, I looked at the dashboard and the date jumped out at me. OH KNOW…it’s 8pm, 05/21/12. Immediately, I remembered that today is my anniversary. Oh well, apparently, the traveling husband forgot too. </p>

<p>Standing in the kitchen, I reminded the girls that today was our anniversary. They both looked at me and sighed. Then, both asked, so where are we going to eat? huh, I’m covered in dirt and grime. I can barely stand upright due to an overworked back and they want me to take them to dinner…please. </p>

<p>I conceded and drove them to Moe’s for a burrito. I sat in the car because I forgot to put my shoes on…oh boy. Well, thanks to Wendy’s, I’m enjoying leftover Chili on my anniversary watching Real Housewives of NJ. I may be crazy right now, but Teresa has me beat all day long ;)</p>

<p>lol…happy anniversary!</p>

<p>Not to mention you still forgot to post the pics of the tan tennis skirt wearing neighbor :-)</p>

<p>Happy Anniversary to you and that Mizzou loving husband of yours!!</p>

<p>Nah, you guys didn’t forget your anniversary. You’ve just deferred the celebration. Can’t really celebrate when the spouse isn’t physically there.</p>

<p>So plan something exotic and romantic with hubby when he returns. </p>

<p>Ditch the kids, the plans, and the high maintenance guests. </p>

<p>Put the champagne on ice and the stress in the rear view mirror. </p>

<p>And then . . . Ro-o-o-o-o-o-ll Tide!</p>

<p>Happy Anniversary! </p>

<p>You can use the logic my husband did one year . . . “I didn’t forget that our anniversary was on January 1, I just forgot that TODAY was January 1.” And since there isn’t a big parade and a bunch of bowl games on TV for your anniversary, it might just be believable!</p>

<p>LOL…anniversaries have never been my thing. I know we were married in June, after my birthday. Other then that, I would need to check our marriage certificate for the exact date! My husbands friends find it rather entertaining.</p>

<p>Happy Anniversary!</p>

<p>Malanai-exotic/romantic…yep, casinoexec, myself and many other CCers will one day show up on your doorstep to proclaim that the time has come for some much needed in the rearview moments.</p>

<p>Thanks for the wishes! Another day, another way…but still just as special.</p>

<p>Casino-I’m saving that pic for a special day.</p>

<p>Totally LOL, asaunmom - </p>

<p>My anniversary is today, and just before bed last night I gazed pitifully into my husbands eyes and said “We don’t have to get presents this year right? Or go out? Is just a card O.K.? It’s all I had time to do…”</p>

<p>And to think we were planning a trip to Jamaica for the big 30 waaay back in January before I realized the timing might be a little ‘tight’, and we might want to delay that decision, ‘just in case’. Oh, how the mighty have fallen.</p>

<p>Moe’s did you say?</p>

<p>Happy anniversary!</p>

<p>Lol, we have forgotten our anniversary at least twice. Once we remembered a week later. Not big on anniversarys, bdays, etc at our house.</p>

<p>Happy Anniversary a day late. I was you a year ago when our oldest graduated from high school. The kids quickly learned not to ask me what was for dinner when they could see I was up to my eyeballs in some kind of beautification project to prepare for the big grad party. It’s much easier the 2nd time around and probably more so since D#2 doesn’t want any type of grad party.</p>

<p>Hmmm, I was laughing so hard at your story that I didn’t even realize our anniversary is just a few weeks away…and I don’t have the excuse of having a child graduating this year. Oh well.</p>

<p>Happy anni…had a similar situtation DD’s junior year. I had been on a whirlwind tour of the Oklahoma schools and arrived home exhausted (we happened to take in the D1 baseball playoffs in Oklahoma City as well). Later that night our oldest called and said, “Isn’t today you guys anniversary?”. We had both completely forgot… Oh my! Life gets that way sometimes!
On a different note enjoy all the graduation hoo haa…it will be great memories when sitting in that rocking chair in those pink fuzzy slippers :).</p>

<p>aphi-rainbows, sparkles and glitter, maybe a tiara from time to time :)</p>

<p>Happy Anniversary!!</p>

<p>vlines I thought I was the only one who needed to look at my marriage certificate to exactly remember the date…I know that we got married the day after Thanksgiving…but since that date always changes I am never sure what the exact date was…</p>

<p>Funny story that is lore in our house: I married my hubby 22 years ago, but it was a 2nd marriage for me (first one was short and not so sweet). About 10 years in one of our friends asked when our anniversary was…I piped up “JULY 27th”!! loudly. My husband looked at me rather funny, and yes I immediately realized my mistake and mumbled “ooops wrong marriage” lol to this day he has not let me forget about that.</p>

<p>So maybe that is why I just don’t remember…better to forget than to give the wrong date!</p>

<p>asaunmom - HAPPY ANNIVERSAY (a bit late)…it’s not the date that’s important…it’s what’s in the heart.</p>

<p>Cute story Buzymom!</p>

<p>We were married on Friday the 13th. Just trying to get an extra honeymoon day.</p>

<p>buzymom- I would go with the day after thanksgiving EVERY YEAR no matter what the actual date was!!</p>

<p>lol–happy anniversary!!</p>