Friend is appealing to UCD - Sealed Recommendations? How many?

<p>Hey everyone.</p>

<p>My friend is appealing to Davis and she has a couple questions that I hope you knowledgeable CC’ers can answer for her. </p>

<p>1) There is a bit of a discrepancy about whether or not her recommendations should be sealed or not. Personally, I thought this was only the case for recommendations sent with your application to private universities. Davis does not even say recommendations are required in the appeals process. Would they be happier if they were sealed individually?</p>

<p>2) How many recommendations is a good number? My friend has 4 very solid recommendations. Should she choose 2, 3, or all of them? </p>

<p>Thanks so much!</p>

<p>if i remember correctly 2 recommendations is a good number
and have them sealed individually with teacher's signatures on the sealed area to show UCD you never opened it.</p>

<p>SD limits recommendations to 2 at the max so I would suggest that as well.</p>

<p>For some reason, I thought the UCs did not solicit or want recommendations...</p>

<p>Sorry, misread it</p>

<p>I also recommend that the letters of recommendation support your reason for appeal. This will strengthen the appeal and support the new information you are providing us. Remember, we already received information on your grades and classes which show how great of a student you are. A letter of recommendation repeating this information doesn't add information to your application or support the reason for appeal.</p>

<p>Thanks for all the responses especially UCD Admissions. </p>

<p>She sent her appeal in yesterday, with multiple recommendations from teachers (one you graduated from Davis), her girl scout leader, and a personal friend who went to Davis as well. We cannot expect that much since she was told that she could not request another major, which is the key to her success in getting in since she applied for Aerospace Engineering. </p>

<p>The appeal letter was excellent covering possible missed points, and her recommendations were some of the best, but the odds unfortuneately are against her. Best of luck to others sending in their appeals this week.</p>