from abroad -Full-tuition scholarships--for my son- for computer science

my son is a US citizen. but he lived in Turkey all his life. he studied high school in Turkey. now he will graduate from highschool . he decided to study computer science in Virgina tech. in june h will be in williamsburg and newportnews. he will work and he will take esl english lesson. . after august he will take SAT exam. for sample test he took 780-800 from MATH section. but now he need to improve his english level. than he will take toefl.
my question is for scholarships.l cannot pay any for him to study in US colleges because ı dont have enough money. and I am not citizen. if he apply virginia tech computer science can he take full scholarships.

if it is not possible from VT , can he take -Full-tuition scholarships- with 780MAT score from any virginia universites… (computer science or computer engineering) .

I am not aware of VT offering anyone full scholarships. Others may have additional information if you look through the 2017 Decision tread.

Virginia Tech offers several scholarships through the Honors College that could potentially be “full ride.” They are very rare and very competitive. But they are certainly worth a try…

can you offer any university with full ried scholarship. from top 50 universities. the last alterntives is from 50-100

can you offer any university with full ride scholarship. from top 50 universities. the last alternatives is from 50-100

I think you get to choose: Is full tuition (or full ride) most important or is someone else’s made up list of top schools most important.

There “top” schools don’t often guarantee that kind of scholarship - because they don’t have to.

On the other hand, a full tuition scholarship might be available from a quite good school. But they almost always look at both English and math plus grades.

Full scholarships will be much harder to achieve at “top 50” schools than other schools. But I must say, for engineering, VT is easily top 25, maybe higher.

Merit scholarships are rare and extremely competitive at top 50 schools. They’re more likely at Top 100-200 colleges but even there, unless guaranteed for stats (typically at 100+ national universities or some public LACs) they’re quite competitive.

What he could try to do is take ESL classes in Virginia while working (something available to him as a citizen). NOVA has a pretty good “college prep English for internationals” program for instance. If your son works for 12 months before term of entry (ie, if he starts working in June), takes his driver’s license test, registers to vote in Virginia, he will be considered “in-state” and will thus be eligible for Virginia tuition and Virginia scholarships. He will have to apply to many universities (W&M, UVA, VTech are all quite competitive, so he’ll have to apply to some other VA Schools. Fortunately, VA has an excellent university system.) He’ll be able to use his Turkish transcripts (document everything, ask for recommendations from one Humanities teacher and two STEM teachers, show them examples from the MIT advice column - while it’s for MIT, it applies to all selective universities) + test scores from Fall 2017 + ESL class results.

he is in williamsburg from june. he is working at a restaurant and this is the first experince in usa and first expereience to live alone (withou family) . he spoke in W&m free adul english program they said tis program for adults. (he will be 18 in october) he is planning to take SAT or ACT exam in august (which do you prefer) he can solve nearly full in math. as an out osff state student university fees are very high. he need full ride scholarships. if not possible to take scholarships he will live in virginia and after 1 year he will apply universities. for esl he can ttend adult based eduction centers after october. or peraphs he can pass himself too.

Even after a year , he may not qualify for full ride scholarships at the schools that you are targeting . What is his back up plan?

for high sat scores can he took full ride scholars from 100-200 rankin universitees

we have no backup plans. we want to take full ride firstly. after 1 year he will be in state student. than he can take scholars . ı thing from fafsa and universites need based courses etc. we want to study him good universities. if it is not possible we can decide together than. we are living Turkey . perhaps he can go to universty in Turkey or perhaps he can go in Germany. in germany and in Turkey there is no fees in public universities. after undergraduate he can apply for MS scholars etc. or he is working and not continue to master programmes.

The chances of getting a full ride to VT engineering is extremely low. High SAT scores are what keep you from getting rejected from a top university, it is not what gets you a full ride. If money is an issue, your son should go to community college (NVCC is very good) and then do the guaranteed admissions to VT or any other state college of his choice as long as he meets the requirements. This will save a lot of money in the long run.

I think you answered your own question.

is it good option to chose for career 2+2 ? normaly ı cannot deceide from Turkey. because in Turkey 2 years (similiar CC) is not good chose to go to 4 year college only %1 or %2 student can go to engineering from 3 years college.
how is TNCC college f or that. and ı will another VT is one the good universities in virginia. but he can go any universities now. if hi lives in virginia next year he can be instate student perhaps. but now he can texas or ohio etc if he took full ride. bu the mostimportant he must go for top school because he has ability to study .

for example with sat math 750+ score and with good score from toefl or etc.; can he take scholars ? ıy yes what is other requirements.? for example university of richmond gives full ride scholarship for 5 people. and last year one of them apply as 740sath mat degree. ı write richmond only as a sample. you can thing florida unv. nort carolina stat unv or any technicl university.

but as an american citizen he wants to study in USA with need based scholarships. if we cannot find scholarships we will think another options. now he is in USA. so we are looking for educaion alternatives in USA. so ı asked . if hestudy in Turkey I don’t need any detail for USA university admissions and finacial situations…

From your earlier question. 2+2 is a great option. VT literally guarantees you admissions if you meet the GPA and curriculum requirement.

It is highly unlikely that your son will receive in state tuition at VT

please read form which ask if both the student and the parent are Virginia residents (he is under 24 years old, he will not be a resident if you are not a resident of virginia for tuition purposes