From the UK and applying to the UC colleges with no languages?

<p>Hey there,
This is my first CC post.</p>

<p>I’ve got British qualifications and I’ll be applying to the UC colleges in a few months. Having looked at a lot of the UC college websites they’re asking for atleast 2 years studying a language other than English. This was never a firm requirement in the UK so I had never taken a language.</p>

<p>Will this go against me? What should I do?</p>

<p>The 2 years of a FL for the UCs is a requirement, the fact that it wasn’t a requirement at your school is immaterial. You can apply, but you won’t be considered a qualified candidate.</p>

<p>You can also qualify for admission by testing alone. As an international/out-of-stater, you would need to average at least 710 on all five tests. (UC also has admission by exception, but the vast majority of those are athletes, rock stars, scions of world leaders, multi-million dollar donors, and the like.)</p>

<p>Even though I have British qualifications, I have a greencard, a californian ID and my dad lives in California as a citizen.</p>

<p>I did take a year of french last year but didn’t gain any qualifications out of it. If I do another year, I’d be doing my exam at around June time and getting the results in August. Months after decisions are made by the unis.</p>

<p>Can I get my teachers to predict me a grade and say that i’m on my way to completing the two year course?</p>