From what universities do people get admited to Harvard Graduates School?

From what american universities do people get admited to Harvard Graduates School?

Is it mostly from another Ivy League university? Or also can happen an admission from not Ivy League undergraduate - to Harvard Graduate schools?

Harvard’s graduate schools accept students from a wide range of colleges and universities. For example, Harvard Law School has 172 undergraduate institutions represented in its first-year class.

Why are you so fixated on Harvard? All of your posts simply point to getting a Harvard degree in some form or fashion.

While a H degree is certainly a great achievement, H is also very well aware of prestige chasers. You might serve yourself better by becoming a truly great scholar and applying yourself towards a career field or serving your community.

Agree with T26E4 (very funny user name). I will add that MA degrees, depending upon what they are in, are often not as prestigious at the Ivy League schools than are the undergraduate degrees or PhD’s. They can be a cash cow for the school, depending upon the school and the topic.