<p>How exactly are you supposed to write the FRQs for Psych, EnvSci, and HumGeo? I heard they must be in paragraph format (non-bulleted), but how exactly is the layout? Must there be an opening paragraph (with a thesis), body paragraphs, and a conclusion? Or is it simply answering the questions in sentence format and writing some BS to make a paragraph? </p>
<p>Also, when you're answering a multi-part question (ex. 1. (a) (b) (c) (d)), do you list the respective letter of the part of the question you're answering?</p>
<p>For Human Geo, I don’t think it really matters at all as long as you answer the question and include all the info you are asked. Give a lot of examples. At least that’s what I heard. Use complete sentences…
Probably not bulleted. But you really don’t need a thesis, body, conclusion for Human Geo. I don’t even think they’re that long. More like paragraphs than essays I think.</p>
<p>Yeah, if it’s a multi-part question just write 1. (a), answer it, then write (b) and answer it</p>
<p>For APES, just write your concise answer :)</p>
<p>AP Psych basically asks you to answer all parts of the question using precise examples in a non-bulleted format. Do not add too many additional details as they will not earn you extra points. Introductions and conclusions are unnecessary and once again will not earn your points. Be sure to answer questions in the prompt in the order that they are asked to make sure the graders see the answers. DO NOT label the letters in your essay. That’s really all there is to it. ^^</p>