Frustrated with ALL ESSAYS

<p>Hey guys,</p>

<p>Am I the only one with this problem? I consider myself a fairly decent writer, and am often told my work is above average, but I feel like all my college essays are crap. Seriously. I don't know if it's just the pressure of submitting these essays to top-tier schools or something... but all my essays are just so uninspiring... I haven't written anything that I feel like a college will really identify as a good piece of work. Ugh. Maybe my standards are too high? Or maybe my essays are truly that bad.</p>


<p>Same situation here. =/</p>

<p>Ahahahhaha you’re describing almost every honor student applying to college!</p>

<p>Pretty much how I feel at this moment.</p>

<p>When I read all these chance threads, the posters are like, my essays are good/great, etc.
I think one of mine might be good, but it’s no work of literature. The other just plain sucks. In retrospect, I can’t believe I submitted it to YALE of all places.</p>

<p>The same here. I too applied to top schools, two Ivies; and yet I feel like my essays were terrible. They weren’t inspiring or at all compelling to where they would be unforgettable. So that is why I have put it all in the hands of God, knowing it can only work out through his grace</p>

<p>this is exactly how if feel!
how do you get inspired???
can you read mine and see if you can show me or maybe we’ll figure it out.</p>

<p>Same here! I feel mine doesn’t stand out…Not satisfied with my presentation.</p>

<p>My essays are definitely hit-or-miss. Some people love my essays, but others think they’re convoluted crap. Hope I get the right type of person to read mine…</p>

<p>Yeah, mine were crap. For sure.</p>

<p>I like to think that I’m a semi-good writer, but I just couldn’t do it for my apps. I think I was afraid of being too creative because I didn’t want them to come off really weird, or too forced. Idk.</p>

<p>My essay was about something that lasted for about 5 seconds. It was one of those revelation essays, so I’m worried my reader will be like “Huh? I don’t get it.”
There is also some ironically humorous stuff in there, but some is hard to pick up on…</p>

<p>I guess everybody here is on the same boat, including myself.</p>

<p>yup… sometimes i think an essay is great, then the next minute it seems like rubbish… i don’t understand…</p>

<p>yeah i think everyone has this problem. my problem is really bad though. I missed 3 early action deadlines bcuz I hated every essay I wrote.</p>

<p>i think my essays are crap too…</p>

<p>yeah, i’ve written like 20 essay drafts and they all are terrible. completely terrible.
but, since the deadlines are drawing near i just basically had to chose a couple to work on… and i really don’t like them… its not necessarily that they’re that BAD it’s just that they’re sooo forgettable and common… </p>
