Fs on Transcript

<p>So, basically in short, I messed up really bad the past semester and plenty of Fs. My GPA is terrible now, and I'm not sure if I'll be able to bring it up to over a 2.0 after just one semester.</p>

<p>My questions are:
-If I can't get over a 2.0 after the fall, will I be put on suspension? I read online that as long as your semester GPA is over a 2.0, you'll be okay, but I'm not sure if these web pages are kept up to date.</p>

<p>-Does Virginia Tech offer any grade forgiveness or course repeats? Should I repeat all the courses I failed?</p>

<p>-Are there ways to get these Fs off of my transcript at all? I figure the answer is no, but I had some REALLY extenuating circumstances the past semester/summer that caused my failure.</p>

<p>-Any other general advice you guys have to improve my GPA? I've already talked to my advisor and someone from the CAEE. I believe the past semester/summer were just flukes because my grades were fine before then.</p>

<p>If your GPA is so low that you cannot pull it up to a 2.0 by the end of the semester, you will not be placed on another Academic Probation or Academic Suspension AS LONG AS… your GPA for that term is at least a 2.5. Virginia Tech realizes that students make mistakes and they give them a chance to redeem themselves academically. If they see that you are trying to pull your GPA up, they will leave you in your current academic standing as long as you get a 2.5 each semester in an attempt to bring your GPA to a 2.0. My computer has less than 10% remaining, so I will provide a link to this information after I charge it. Hope this helps you!</p>

<p>Also… Virginia Tech only offers academic redemption to students who withdrew from the university like 10 years ago and decided to come back now.</p>

<p>As for repeating, if you think you can do better in the course then by all means do it.</p>

<p>Virginia Tech takes your grades and averages them. If you got a F in Chemistry or whatever, then you would have 3 credits with 0 GPA points for the F. Let’s say next time you get an A, which is 3 credits at 4 quality points. That would be a 4.0 GPA for the course that times around.</p>

<p>(4 + 0)/2
4/2 = 2
It would average out to a C. Instead of an F grade for that course, you would get a C overall grade for both courses. It would only count once towards your degree.</p>

<p>You may have up to 30 Fs on your transcript alone, and the educational background of a Master Teacher, but rest assure there is always another chance at pursuing your dreams. The college counselors along with the business office, and instructors are always there to help direct you to the next level of your career. It is very frustrating being failed over and over again. There are many instances you are failed and unaware of it, but rest assure that there is always someone there to assist, guide, and answer your questions. Don’t give up!</p>