FSU care program

Let’s say I was extremely unhappy at FSU does anyone know if I can transfer to another school is I’m in the care program or a I expected to stay at FSU. Please help.

You can transfer, but you would lose the benefits that come with the CARE program (advising, etc.). You would also lose any scholarships (they don’t’ follow you to your new school). Otherwise, you’re free to transfer. The program is meant to improve retention (keep you at FSU) by offering additional benefits to make your experience better. However, it’s not a contract, you can leave and transfer to another school.

However, if you’ve just started school (?), then I recommend you give it some time, at least through the end of this semester, if not the end of spring term, before transferring. That first semester away from home can be tough, no matter which school you’re attending. It takes time to make friends.

Good Luck!