full ride w/ benefits at state college (u of utah honors) VS. top 25 school

<p>i plan on pursuing graduate school of some sort. im not exactly sure what though (business most likely but not really sure)</p>

<p>do you think it would be in my best interest to stay at my state school (u of utah) in the honors program on a full ride or go to a top 25 uni where even though i will probably get some money still cost me around 10-30K to attend a year (w/ scholarships).</p>

<p>Save the money unless your family is loaded and and 100k is just a drop in the bucket. (Thats the general CC consensus)</p>

<p>Medical schools really do NOT care where you went for undergrad school (of course, your GPA will be taken in context to your school), because MCAT + GPA is what really matters, but in relative comparison to business and law schools, if medical school is in your future then I would go with your state school.</p>

<p>If you want to go to business or law school, then I think the top 25 school would be a better choice--but really with all this vagueness (do you really not want to disclose which top 25 school you're talking about?) and uncertainty about the actual costs of attending, I can't really help you.</p>

<p>Are you a rising high school senior? If so, why don't you first start and finish the application process first so that your options are more clearer? </p>

<p>But I'm thinking you might be a transfer student, no?</p>

<p>Go to College Board's website and do the EFC calculator and see if the number it spits out agrees with what your parents were thinking. </p>

<p>If it doesn't, it depends on what you want to do after college. Very few people go to business school right after college, which means if you want to get into something like investment banking or management consulting, you may find it very hard to get recruited coming out of University of Utah. On the other hand, those two fields pay notoriously well so you may not find it a problem at all to pay back some loans.</p>

<p>If you get into a HYPSM /Caltech school, I would say go, because the people you meet there are really impressive. If you don't and you are deciding between Utah and another top 25 school, I would say that your honors college would provide an experience comparable to what you would expect at these other top 25 schools. I don't think it's worth the debt.</p>

<p>sorry for the vague post. it was just a hypothetical question</p>

<p>i am an upcoming senior, im not trying to hide what schools i wanna go to i just dont really know. I just wanted to see what CC's opinion was on my sort of situation (full ride flagship vs. costly prestige unless IVY than it would be just as cheap as instate tuition).</p>

<p>to brownman:</p>

<p>what about brown, cornell, darmouth, duke, or like northwestern? would you still make that decision.</p>

<p>At first I was really considering turning down Penn, Columbia and Cornell for my local state university's honors program. Nevertheless, my local state U did not give me much merit money. Hence, my choice was either going to my state university for 15K/year or going Ivy for 20-25K per year. In my case, I chose to go to Cornell because I felt the difference in costs b/w the Ivies I had gotten into versus my state university were not too great.</p>

<p>If it's the question of going to Utah for free versus going to Brown, Cornell, Dartmouth, etc., for 50K/year (200K for your degree), I would no doubt say go to Utah. If you're in a situation such as mine and you get financial aid, I would go to an Ivy/Duke/ Northwestern. Apply and see what kind of financial aid you get.</p>

<p>Also, you mentioned you wanted to go to grad school. If you go to business school, work experience is important, and the school you attended shouldn't matter much. That being said, if you're going to another type of grad school, keep in mind it's probably much easier to shine at Utah rather than at an Ivy/Duke/Northwestern.</p>

<p>yeah I think i'm still going to apply to all the big names (some give some awesome financial aid, friend goes to dartmouth for less than instate) and see what happens. If i dont get any aid i'll just be at utah and just work my butt off and then go big for grad school.</p>