Fully vaccinated - How or Will Your COVID Routine Change?

My lung doc is very cautious and he didn’t even want us to do outdoor restaurant dining. It wasn’t essential that we dine out, and yes, it was a risk but we looked at the restaurant and how well spaced everyone was and decided it was one we were willing to take.

We likely won’t go to another restaurant for some time, except takeout. H and I are pretty high risk, as is my mom. We try to minimize risk-taking. We are >14 days post 2nd Pfizer shot, mom, H & me.

We heard the other table talking about leisure travel to Europe and perhaps elsewhere since tickets are so cheap—only $600. We will wait until it’s safe and vaccinations are widespread—and infection rates are way down.

So glad we got mom to get her hearing aids adjusted at Costco Audio. She can now hear birds, crickets, the wind and normal conversation! It’s fun that she can now participate more in life!


My routine will not change much. I currently work in a medical clinic, so exposed to more people than I would like on a given day. Since June, I have made a once weekly trip to the grocery, but only after studying the sale circular and making my grocery list by aisles, to minimize my time in the store.

What I have done differently after both vaccines, is I had dinner at my aunt’s house for my mother’s 90th birthday; all 5 adults were at least 3 weeks post second vaccine. I also shopped for a new mattress and sofa that needed replacing at least 5 years ago! It felt nice to be in a retail store again, although I wish one of the stores had hand sanitizer out like the others; I have a bottle in my purse, so it was fine. Lastly, my husband and I are going to try one flight to visit our youngest granddaughter. I am a bit nervous, but excited for the trip; my daughter and SIL should be one week post second vaccine.

While I would love to have dinner in a restaurant, we are not ready to be inside with unmasked people; we will wait until we can eat outside when the weather is nicer. We have a board retreat scheduled for November that I hope still happens and rescheduled tickets to Hamilton locally in August. Other than that, nothing exciting on our dance card.


We are waiting to hear about a family wedding that was rescheduled to July 3.

Once DH is a few weeks post vaccines…we will go see my family who we haven’t seen since summer 2019…it’s a driving trip.


1 mo post vaccine… I got my hair cut. First time in over a year!


One day next week I’m going to Home Goods or BB&B to replace the entry rug that’s shedding huge amounts of rubberized backing. That’s about as wild as I’m going.

In May we will consider a road trip to see my parents for the first time in more than a year. I’m afraid this isolation has been hard on them.


@compmom just an update: I saw one of my specialists this week and discussed with her about the efficacy of the vaccine on people taking my particular immuno-suppressant therapy. I had seen some chatter on message boards that due to our treatment wiping out our B cells the vaccine may have little or nothing to work with. Some cited articles that said as little as 14-16% in our situation. I wanted to hear it from an actual doctor so I brought it up. She said 14-16% seems low but that, yes, 40-60% effective is a more likely number. That said, I will take anything I can get although historically my B cells have not repopulated between treatments. This is a chance I am willing to take. As for side effects, she has not seen anything unusual in her patients but we have just now been cleared as high risk and able to receive the vaccine so I am not sure how many have gotten the chance yet.

Second dose in a few days and I’m feeling increasingly more inclined to go to stores (masked) that I’ve missed for a year and to outside dining restaurants with vaccinated spouse. I really want to do the outside dining with another vaccinated couple but we all have adolescents who aren’t vaccinated. So harumph.

The biggest change in my behavior will be not panicking at Costco when someone is maskless and at work when someone clearly hasn’t been following guidelines. I already am feeling much calmer about what’s happening around me.


My friend and I are meeting for an outdoor lunch at a restaurant. I’m excited—haven’t seen her much over the past 18 months and we are both > 2 weeks post 2nd vaccine. We’ve been friends for decades.


I get dose 2 in 2 weeks. I have a plane ticket for end of May to visit S & family in FL and to meet new granddaughter, born in October. It’s with Southwest, so no penalty if it doesn’t seem safe at the time. S asked me to come during my spring break, but I won’t be at 2 weeks post-vaccine until end of spring break. I’m excited by the idea, but nervous as well.


We both get dose 2 in 3 weeks. I am now planning a trip in April to go see my sick Aunt and one in May to go see our son’s family, still taking all precautions and with masks. We are now planning Mom’s memorial and internment for July, a year after she died. It will still be limited and outdoors. Funny tho-I’m not ready for the mall even with masks or indoor restaurants.

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H and I are both over 60, but under 65 so we are in the last group getting the vaccine in San Diego County. My parents are both fully vaccinated and are coming for a visit this weekend. We will be on our patio with masks during the visit. I am just happy that we get to celebrate my mom’s and my birthday together ( I was born on mom’s birthday)!


A few of our public libraries are opening next Tuesday, and two are by me. I’m excited.


Something I learned I’m not yet ready for… In person training. Friday, I got an email that scheduled me for CPR/First Aid next week. A class of 10 in a smallish room. I’ve been through it over a dozen times when I was a swim coach (and a teenage lifeguard). I’ve taken it a few times at work when offered. But I don’t want it now. I may be vaccinated but if only 25-30% of us took the vaccine, chances are many will not be, and masks aren’t mandatory in my workplace. The thought of that many hours together just was too much too soon. I asked to be removed and was glad my boss said ok

Some elderly relatives and their elderly friends are counting down the days until all of them are two weeks past their second vaccine doses so that they can have get togethers again.


I had Covid plus two Pfizer vaccinations. I kind of feel like Super Man. Next week I am taking my fully vaccinated Mom to see her sister (who has cancer). My mom has not left the city limits in almost a year!


My mom and I flew out of Newark this morning (2 weeks after our second dose). The airport was packed with absolutely no social distancing, except for the fact everyone was wearing masks. The plane was full. If we weren’t vaccinated I would have been very uncomfortable and concerned.
It was priceless for my mom to see her son for the first time In over a year. We are going to see my sister after we leave my brother.
This pandemic has robbed so much from all of us.


Yes, the pandemic has isolated us from one another so much. My mom hasn’t been out in public in a year, except to get her covid shots and also to have her ears checked and hearing aids adjusted.

I will also take her in person to see her geriatrician in a few weeks to get the earwax out of her ears that has been there at least since 2018! We Mau have to return to Costco to readjust her hearing aids after the wax is removed.

Relatives in Texas just posted a photo of themselves in a group of 17 women at a bridal shower today. Shoulder to shoulder, not a single mask. I know some of them aren’t going to get vaccinated. I want to visit Austin when I’ve gotten my second shot but I will not hang out with people who haven’t been vaccinated.