Fully vaccinated - How or Will Your COVID Routine Change?

I gave my (fully-vaccinated) parents a hug for the first time in a year the other day. I nearly cried, it felt so good.

I also just scheduled my first professional haircut since January 2020. I’ll be going in two weeks to the day beyond my 2nd shot.


I feel comfortable eating indoor now that I am vaccinated. I would also socialize with fully vaccinated people indoor.
I will continue to wear mask in public to protect other people (in case I could transmit covid), to conform and protect myself against other virus (cold, flu).
Yes, there are other variants that the current vaccines may not protect us against, but I think they would protect us from getting very sick.


We’ll have no problem going back to life as normal, so that includes eating in restaurants which we are looking forward to doing. Two weeks past our second shot is DH’s birthday. We’re traveling to see his parents, and we have reservations for the whole vaccinated family to dine indoors at a favorite restaurant. We also won’t care about the vaccination status of those around us. We will mask and distance as required, but the community we live in is not concerned about Covid, so we have no concerns for the willfully unvaccinated. Unfortunately, my mother is in that group, but at least I’ll be able to cross her threshold again and resume (repair?) our relationship.


My birthday is right after my husband and I are fully vaccinated. I’ve already invited my in laws to dinner to celebrate at one of my favorite restaurants. Haven’t invited but plan on asking my husband’s brother also. We are the last to be vaccinated. I haven’t seen my in laws in person since September for my husband and his dads birthdays.


I’m not @FlyMeToTheMoon but here is my take.

The vaccine is new. The transmission rates w/vaccine are new and limited. COVID #'s are in fact currently starting to climb again in some states. People are (like around Memorial Day last summer) shedding their masks and precautions because they’ve had enough - whether they are vaccinated yet or not. I see it, I read it.

Dining in a restaurant does not = quality of life for me. I prefer to continue to adopt a “we, not me” attitude towards COVID, the vaccinated and the not vaccinated. I can make life a little easier and more enjoyable vaccinated in small doses (pun!) and with time.

I am very happy to be vaccinated but for me it is not a ticket back to pre-virus times. Not yet. I’ll proceed cautiously and hope that the extra waiting was not warranted but was still me doing my part to protect others.


We’ll all be doing our part to protect others as masking and social distancing still make sense. But we can go back to completely normal life masked and distanced, doing all those things we want to do without fear. I simply won’t worry about masking/distancing around those who don’t care. The risk is theirs, not mine.


A question on timelines: if you get fully vaccinated before everyone has a chance to be fully vaccinated, (how) will your routine differ between these four time periods?

  1. Before you are fully vaccinated.
  2. After you are fully vaccinated, but before every adult has a chance to be fully vaccinated.
  3. After every adult has a chance to be fully vaccinated.
  4. After every adult and child has a chance to be fully vaccinated.

Or are there other criteria that you will consider when deciding what your routine will be?

Honestly, I don’t think we will be dining out in restaurants that much. We didn’t before either. But after a year of not seeing people and depriving ourselves of so much this year. I’ll enjoy my birthday dinner where I don’t have to cook and eat in a restaurant that I save for special occasions.

Mostly not having to cook my own birthday dinner. And enjoy a glass of wine. Maybe dessert!


Unless you’re the last person in line, you WILL be fully vaccinated before everyone else has a chance so, for me, the distinction is moot. Before I’m fully vaccinated, nothing changes, I stay isolated in my house as I have been for the past year. Two weeks after that second shot, life goes back to normal, following restrictions where they exist.

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When I am fully vaccinated which should be sometimes this summer, I will make Mr. go out for breakfast. Today marks a year and 19 days of me making breakfast. Every. Freaking. Day!! Usually, I get a break when we go on vacation and stay at a “breakfast included” place. :slight_smile:


A huge portion of the population has had no opportunity to vaccinate. I may adopt your thinking (or a variation of that thinking)at some point but not this early in the vaccination process.

I fully support seeing family members you have been without seeing for what it’s worth.

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I made plans to meet five fully vaccinated friends for lunch on Monday. We will be outdoors on the bay and there’s sure to be a good breeze. I am most looking forward to being served a tropical cocktail; food is secondary!


@BunsenBurner, just out of curiosity, when you say you make breakfast every day, what do you make? I only cook breakfast/brunch for the family on Sunday, but every other day of the week everyone is on their own. I usually eat a bowl of cereal or oatmeal, and both my husband and daughter often skip breakfast. I can’t imagine actually cooking breakfast every day.

Dessert?!?!? Now you’re getting crazy. LOL. Seriously, enjoy your birthday and savor the whole experience. I know I will once I’m doing those things again, too.


There are only 2 of us in the house. This is what I serve… Eggs, a cup of berries, a cup of yogurt, and some kind of toast or hash browns. :slight_smile: Mr. boils water for tea or coffee. On weekends, I make pancakes or stuffed blintzes or something along those lines. My husband is a big fan of breakfasts! :slight_smile: It is not back breaking, but I feel like it adds to my Covid “hamster wheel.”


Can you come to my house? That sounds delicious.

I add the frozen Daily Harvest berries to the blender and whirrrrrrr breakfast is served!

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I think when I go to a restaurant for the first time, it will be a high end restaurant, and not our local regular Mexican place. It will be nice to be served and have a napkin placed in my lap! My reasoning is there will be less people over an evening at the nicer places, where one lingers over their meal; whereas the local neighborhood joints will have tons of people coming in and out in one evening. I have no data to validate my choice, but it gives me an excuse to splurge on the first meal out! :upside_down_face:

While pre Covid we ate out a good bit, I don’t know when we will resume doing it again. While i am tired of my cooking, as well as cooking, the amount of money we have save has been noticeable. At some point, I think we can find a nice balance of home meals and out.


I am vaccinated and the only thing I do differently is grocery shop in person vs online. Until we reach some sort of herd immunity where I live and the vaccine is readily available to the general public I will remain cautious but hopeful.

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Last night we went out and played trivia with our vaccinated friends. We sat indoors as it was cold out. As far as other patrons , as they were sitting they were maskless and we dont know how many of them were vaccinated.
When in a store , or anywhere else in public I wear my mask. But I am no longer afraid to go into a store, or eat inside.

Since finishing my second Pfizer shot and waiting 2 additional weeks I’ve enjoyed a real haircut and I’ve also shopped for groceries at our favorite place (that did not offer curbside).