Fully vaccinated - How or Will Your COVID Routine Change?

However, in Denmark, the (median age 47) health care workers are seeing lower first dose vaccine effectiveness than in the US – a discrepency that is not easily explained. That (median age 84) long term care facility residents (probably many in already poor health) show reduced vaccine effectiveness is not too surprising.

The vaccine in the Denmark study was the “BNT162b2 mRNA Covid-19 Vaccine from Pfizer/BioNTech”. It appears that the US study had about twice as many recipients of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine as the Moderna vaccine (the Moderna vaccine has about three times the amount of mRNA as the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine).

I feel better knowing that neither myself nor my husband WILL DIE after being fully vaccinated. Everything else is gravy.


I’m sharing info on here because I, myself, like to be as fully informed as possible. As that relates to Covid + various vaxes, it’s all new. They were given emergency approval because first studies showed they were safe and seemed to have good odds at combatting a disabling and deadly disease, so were worth allowing usage to the masses.

Now that many masses (including myself) have taken advantage of the benefits, more data is coming out on the specifics as it gets known. There will be many studies and some might contradict each other. That happens in science. Different variables or study details are in play. Someone (like me) who wants to know more facts will look at many of the study results keeping them all in mind until even more is known (correlations of study results - figuring out how variables fit in, etc). I put what I find on here assuming others might also be interested and if some readers aren’t, they can easily skip my posts or the links. I’m thankful others post what they find too.

For me, I have myself and my family to consider. We got Pfizer. Do we feel that’s enough or do we want to get a second option once everyone has had a chance for their first? Time will tell. I want to see results of all of them.

Then I have my 92year old with health issues FIL to consider. He’s gotten Moderna. Stats-wise he’s at a very high risk, and we visit him often taking all the precautions we can before and during our visits. I can’t assume he’s safe because I want him to be. I want data as it become available, so we can make our choices on what, if anything, we can change.

And I have multiple neighbors/friends/etc.

From what I’m seeing, there’s no doubt at all that the vaccines help the vast majority of people, though some will still get it and some will still die (as per the Israeli study, plus possibly the new Washington one).

What is still in question is how long before the best immunity kicks in and how long will it last. Later we’ll also discover whether two types of vaccine are better than one (much later - after everyone has had a chance at one and then given the time needed to find out).

My routine will change when I feel I and my family are most protected, and even more once everyone has had a chance to be vaccinated. But I still will be paying attention to details.

Having a long hauler son, losing an uncle, and seeing many locally who haven’t drawn good straws with Covid definitely shapes my opinion.



My son has been seeing his psychiatrist remotely for months. The sessions aren’t nearly as fruitful as in-person. But today I realized that both my son and the doctor are fully covered, so starting next time, the appointments can be in-person. Yay!


I have needed to replace my iPhone 6S for quite awhile, but have been waiting until my dose 2 was “fully cooked.” I’m just over that threshold and went to the ATT store today to take care of that task. So glad I waited. One other customer had her mask under her nose and kept pulling it down totally when she was talking to the sales rep helping her. My sales rep was wearing his mask below his nose for most of the time as was another employee. Masking below the nose has been a trigger for negative judgement throughout the pandemic, but I felt like I could keep silent and feel comfortable wearing my mask and being fully vaccinated. Now, if I can just acclimate to the changes in my new phone. Missing my home button, but it’s only been a few hours. :upside_down_face:


I got a new phone a couple of weeks ago, but I chickened out and bought it online. I’m an Android user, so I bought directly from the Samsung site… but the phone was locked to my chosen provider and I could have received trade in value if I had owned an eligible phone to trade in.

I think a lot of people-avoiding pandemic habits are going to die hard. I am enjoying the new-found freedom to just run to the grocery store any time I need to pick up a few items, but I’m also pretty comfortable with my weekly home delivery of groceries.

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Travel with masks sounds like a good idea unless you have difficulty breathing with a mask due to health conditions and have to fly over 5 hours to get to nearest US state! The combo is very challenging.

I was planning to make a quick trip into the grocery last week, but the Boulder shooting in the grocery was the day before and my state has permitless closed carry. Decided to just stick with curbside pickup at Kroger for now. I have run into the small specialty grocery throughout the pandemic as there are rarely more than 8-10 customers in the store and minimal staff (most in the deli area which creates a natural social distance). I did go into Target in Nashville 10 days ago and also went to Trader Joe’s while I was on that trip. TJ’s has been very stringent about masks throughout the pandemic, at least in Nashville. I’ve been in there 5-6 times and last time was the first time I saw a customer with her mask below her nose. I’m sure I could take more risk, but I’m just going to ease myself back into my interactions over the next few months since I’m the type of person who will be slow to re-wire my brain to more interactions & fewer masks. I think I’m going to see if I can recruit a friend to eat outdoors in the next week or two, but won’t be ready for indoor dining for a little while yet.


The only time I saw a customer with her mask around her chin at Trader Joe’s, an employee came up to her and asked her to put her mask up. She complained that she was just drinking her coffee :roll_eyes: but the employee insisted.

Unfortunately, as soon as the employee walked off, this girl pulled her mask down and resumed drinking her coffee.

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Well, I completely understand your reaction, but have we now come to the point in America where even a trip to the grocery is something to avoid – and not due to covid? Interesting times.

Well, I’ve been a recluse, even though fully vaccinated but have been asked to attend a face-to-face meeting with a pharmacist and a drug rep in 2 weeks so am easing out of seclusion. Maybe we will spend more time at the baby’s 1st birthday party after all.


Neighbor just invited us to coffee on Tuesday. We accepted and said we will bring chorizo that local butcher will be delivering to our place tomorrow. She and her h are fully vaccinated as are H and I. :slight_smile: :smiley:


Just had a call from a patient who says she has difficulty breathing in mask form 10-20 minutes but wants to fly to relative’s graduation and is trying to figure out how to make it work.

I urged her to work with her MD and see if she may need O2 to fly. Gave her food for thought. Flights from HI to most destinations in US are 5+ hours and add time in airports at both ends. I told her I personally can’t handle that long in a mask.

Perhaps also try different kinds of masks?

The person needs to call the airline and work with the doctor to arrange a medical exemption.


I am slowly emerging from my shell. I recently started going to the gym again and made plans with a friend for a picnic. I haven’t seen anyone outside of my immediate family and my co-workers in more than a year. Also, I bought concert tickets for a summer show. It’s a popular outdoor venue and capacity will be limited, but it still feels like a big step forward.


Yes, I suggested she work with her MD and airlines. I also urged her to be sure her MD believes it is safe for her to fly without supplemental oxygen. (They have a test you can take to be reassured of no surprise mid-air).

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My routine was mostly determined by what’s open and closed. So even though I’m fully vaccinated now, my routine will still be mostly determined by what’s open or closed.

Some things and situations that are open don’t appear safe to me, such as church services indoors, bars, large weddings and other large gatherings, especially with loud talking and food and hugs.

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