Fully vaccinated - How or Will Your COVID Routine Change?

but right now the vaccines are under EUA. Most of the required vaccines are ones that parents know about from about the time their child is born and well ahead of hte school year. Once these vaccines are under regular use, I can see schools requiring them. To say that you have 3 months to decide to vaccinate your kid, or goodbye, uproot them, is not fair. We dont know if something about these vaccines for 12-15 year olds wont pop up in the new few months. I am all for vaccines, but to require vaccines that just started being tested on kids, that is a bit much. Fall of 2022 I can see Covid vaccines are part of standard Vaxes, but now?

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It’s entirely possible that at least one of these vaccines may be FDA approved by the time school starts.

I could see how public schools might hold off on making them mandatory until they are FDA approved. But private schools can make their own policies. Parents can choose.

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so if you have a 12-15 year old, are you rushing to get them vaccinated. Yes private schools can make their own policies, but parents have already deposited for the next school year. I certainly hope these private schools fully refund those parents who choose not to. When they signed the contract, it was likely something not included.

My niece (a vaccinated teacher) is going to get her 12 and 14 year old Ds vaccinated right away. These girls had a tough year with school at home and not being with friends and my niece and her H want their girls to have a normal summer. My niece told me that all of her Ds friends will also be getting the vaccine. If I had kids 12-15 I would be getting them vaccinated.

We have a very close friend that has worked on developing vaccines for the past 30 years and he has been the person we have talked to and trust regarding the safety of Covid-19 vaccines.


I don’t know what I would do if I had a 12-15 year old right now. I don’t, so I can’t be sure I would actually do what I might think I would do.

And I absolutely do agree that tuition should be refunded if a new condition was added after parents signed their contracts.

I’m not even making a case for what schools should or not require. I was merely addressing a comment that said parents have essentially lost their say in whether or not they get their kids vaccinated. I disagree that that is the case. Hard choices will no doubt have to be made, it may seem or be unfair, but the fact remains that no one can force a parent to have their kid vaccinated against their will.



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I don’t think it is a case of people not caring if they are long haulers, but that no one can know that at this time. For current long haulers, how long after they contracted covid were they deemed a long hauler? Two months? Three months after they should have recovered? I’m sure it has to do with how severe of a case they had too.

If someone gets a case after being vaccinated, how long do we wait before deeming them a long hauler? I just don’t think there have been enough breakthrough cases, and enough time post illness, to know if they are a long hauler.

Yes. If approval is issued on Wednesday this week as predicted then we’ll be at CVS on Thursday. The rest of the family is vaccinated already and we don’t want to have to worry on our summer vacation about where we eat and whether there are crowds.


I think this will most likely be an issue for the 21-22 school year only. By next year the vaccine will be fully approved and states will mandate it. (taking the issue away from the individual schools to decide).

Not so fast…

The ACIP meeting agenda for May 12 was just quietly removed from its website as the FDA announced today that it’s not going to hold a meeting on Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee to discuss the approach of C19 vaccine for 12-17 year olds until June 12, 2021…

It’ll be interesting to see what the numbers are in June considering the current vaccination rate… may not need EUA for kids?

It’s still here? ACIP Meetings Information | CDC ETA: I don’t see the agenda, but the notice of meeting is still here.

You see the May 12th agenda? Please post it if you find it. Because it’s no longer there; it was removed.

No, I saw the May 12 agenda previously, but not now. But this is what the link still has:

<<ACIP Meeting Registration

May 12, 2021,The ACIP Meeting will be a virtual meeting with no in-person attendance.

No Registration is required for the May 12, 2021 ACIP Meeting.

Registration is NOT required to watch the live meeting webcast. >>

Where did you see that it will now be June 12, 2021? Thanks!

Please re-read my post. Two different organizations have two different meeting dates - ACIP May 12th (agenda removed, but meeting still on; FDA meeting June 12 to discuss EUA for kids).

My point is the ACIP removed their May 12 agenda assumedly because the FDA isn’t discussing EUA for kids 12-17 until their June 12th meeting.

Possibly. But the briefing from the FDA to CNN last week was that: “Based on an initial evaluation of the information submitted, at this time, the agency does not plan to hold a meeting of the Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee (VRBPAC) on this request to amend the EUA for the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine”


And the new announcement says: “During the meeting the agency will provide a status update on our approach to emergency use authorization (EUA) for COVID-19 vaccines intended for use in individuals 12 through 17 years of age. The committee will also discuss the data needed to support an EUA and a biologics license application (BLA) for a COVID-19 vaccine intended for use in children less than 12 years of age. The committee will not discuss any specific products.”

So the clear implication is that the Pfizer authorization for 12-15 year olds won’t be decided at the meeting in June. If it is delayed until then or even beyond then all hell will break loose, which I can’t imagine would end well for the FDA.

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Yes…you beat me to it! So I’m not understanding what it matters re the ACIP and CDC now…do they have to green-light it, too? And how could they not?

Yes, the ACIP meeting on Wednesday is for the CDC to ratify the FDA decision, which is needed to trigger the start of vaccinations. Removal of the draft agenda appears to be a red herring.

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The Biden administration is making it very clear tonight they have every expectation that 12-15 year olds will be able to be vaxxed on Thursday. Any other tea leaf reading appears misguided. From Dr. Peter Marks, director of FDA’s Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research, the arm of the FDA that regulates vaccines: .”We would assume they could be as soon as Thursday," Marks told reporters in a briefing Monday evening.”

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I stand corrected! Pfizer received EUA to vaccinate kids after an 1100-child, 2-month study. Wishing the best for those who choose to vaccinate their 12-15 year old children.

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