Fully vaccinated - How or Will Your COVID Routine Change?

S19 is going to a Red Sox game on Sunday - full capacity and masks not required.

We are having a picnic with extended family this weekend. Everyone is fully vaccinated except one twenty something niece who is undergoing medical treatments and has been advised by her doctor to wait until the treatments are done due to potential interference (purposefully being vague). We’ve all talked and concluded that since she is the only unvaccinated person we can all just behave normally.


My area is closer to 70% unmasked in stores. We just crossed the 40% threshold for people having at least 1 shot. Knowing my area, I suspect that most of the unmasked are not vaccinated and those with them on are vaccinated. Or maybe the maskers still have kids at home? However, H is fully vaccinated stopped wearing his in stores. I still wear mine. I’m not sure why. Habit? Or maybe because it’s not a big deal to me now in a store. I went from wearing a mask 9+ hours a work day to only the few minutes I’m in a store and walking in/out of the gym (that will likely be dropped soon, because really what does that even do?) H, OTOH, still has to wear his all day at school. He is happy to be free of it elsewhere.

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I am going to a big party today! The hosts have a fabulous big outdoor space (unusual for Brooklyn), but the weather today is awful, 50s and rainy all day. I am really looking forward to this, their first post-pandemic get-together.


Raising hand as one of the quite cautious ones even after vaccinated. I will continue to wear a mask in stores until it seems ok to me to not.

But for those who worry that some of us cannot return to normal habits, I thought I would share that today I had a date with a friend for coffee inside a small neighborhood place. I did it because it felt naturally ok and right with me and I didn’t feel hesitation . They still have masks until your food is served .

But see, some of us need time and space for It to be the right time.


I just made a reservation for H and me to dine out for our 35th wedding anniversary at a restaurant with outdoor seating when they open at 4pm. We are both fully vaccinated but I am happy to be dining outdoors.

H is an older male on statins and I have bad lungs. I think we can have a lovely outdoor meal. I figure service will be better when they 1st open on a weekday rather than during hectic, busy weekend at later hour. I’m looking forward to it. On the actual day of our anniversary, we figure the restaurants will be packed (Memorial day 3day weekend), so we will enjoy a nice home-cooked aged rib-eye from our local butcher.


H and I continue to wear masks in stores even though we are fully vaccinated.

We are hosting a small gathering tomorrow - 3 other couples (all friends of each other), all fully vaccinated. Plans are to be out on the deck. On Saturday, we are hosting a small going away party for a couple we are close to and that will also be 8 people total, all fully vaccinated.

I was supposed to meet a friend for lunch yesterday, but we postponed until Tuesday when the weather is better so we can eat outside. She is fully vaccinated but is not comfortable with eating inside of a restaurant. I respect that.


I am fully vaccinated as are H and both kids. All my friends are. I have been to small gatherings with vaxed people with no masks. In enclosed commercial spaces I will still wear a mask to protect those who need it. I live in Texas, btw. Where I am compliance is still good. I do see one or two people maskless in the grocery store, but that’s it. We have been maskless outside the whole year.


We have a friend who throws a group June birthday party for himself and two other guys with nearby birthdays. Last year was off, of course. It’s on again next week with about 15 guests. The three birthday boys consulted and decided all guests should text a copy of their vaccine card to the host. Only fully vaccinated guests can attend, whew! I’m glad that our social group is in such accord and we can all relax and enjoy ourselves.


I am fine with continuing to wear my homemade cloth masks. They are pretty comfortable and our Governor still mandates they be worn by all indoors (and outdoors in crowded situations). Staying healthy is a priority for me and my loved ones and I have been healthier than ever now that sick folks wear masks and stay home (as they were always supposed to do be didn’t do before)!


In the last 24 hours I’ve been to a restaurant, grocery store and brewery and didn’t wear a mask in any of the places.

Show me the data that says as someone fully vaccinated I have anything to worry about


Checking in after the party. It was fabulous! As I walked in and was greeted by the hosts and friends and acquaintences, it was a little overwhelming! And the exact same feeling happened to several others who arrived after me. But what a great experience! There were about 30 people there, maybe 20 at a time max, and everyone was fully vaccinated except one 15-year-old who is waiting for his second shot and wore a mask the whole time. I had to remember to put my mask on for the subway ride home.


So you wont go places with unvaccinated people? No children, no people who have health issues?

I will give you the benefit of the doubt and assume this is an honest question rather than a jump to an unwarranted assumption. As it happens, neither category of unvaccinated persons are in my usual social groupings. Everyone I normally “go places” with has been vaccinated. But if I knew there would be unvaccinated by choice, no, I likely wouldn’t attend. That’s why I am pleased that our friends feel the same.


Because our state still has indoor mask mandate, I’m still wearing my mask most places indoors (except in private residences with all fully vaxed folks). I wear cloth masks. The rest of my family mostly likes disposable masks.

I’m sadly not renewing our opera subscription that we’ve had for many decades. The organization hasn’t announced its protocols, don’t like the schedule & selections, am nervous about sitting shoulder to shoulder in auditorium full of strangers and just too many unknowns.

H and I and my 91 year old mom are all fully vaxed, but it’s harder and harder to rush her to the crowded bathrooms during intermission, even pre-covid. We will sit this season out while they figure out how to move forward.

Fully vaxxed for several weeks now. I’ve been working in person this whole time and am now happy to be able to do that without a mask. The majority, but not all of my coworkers are vaccinated. These are the same people I’ve been working with all along. Their decisions are personal and don’t bother me.

I have been going grocery shopping and to other stores without a mask since being fully vaccinated. I like the feeling of being able to breathe fully. I have eaten in restaurants many times before being vaccinated and traveled by plane for work so I have been out and about anyways. I will certainly continue to go places and do things as I now feel much more comfortable.

I have had limited extended family contact during the last year. I have taken many walks with one particular sister but will now feel free to see and be with all the rest. We had a small gathering of mostly vaccinated siblings at Easter but are planning for a large celebration with extended nieces and nephews, cousins,etc later this summer. The idea is to celebrate all the holidays we’ve missed. Hopefully that comes to fruition.

I am glad to be fully vaxxed and am happy to take advantage of going many more places without a mask.


Despite being fully vaccinated since mid March, we have continued wearing masks and doing very little with others. Mainly this is because youngest child was only recently eligible for shot (<15). But I think I’m also just so conditioned to our life the last year that it’s hard to go back to normal. Once youngest is two weeks out from second dose, I know we are fine to go maskless etc, but it will be strange. It’s almost like I can’t believe it’s truly over.


Because I babysit my five month old granddaughter, I am not comfortable going maskless inside public spaces. It’s been very interesting to see that the vast majority of people in my area are still wearing masks inside stores, rest areas, going into restaurants, etc. I live in an area that initially balked at mask wearing, so I find it surprising … but I like it. I have a friend that was hospitalized with Covid (even intubated) after his first vaccination, and my MIL’s assisted living facility had a small outbreak months after they were vaccinated. I will happily wear a mask in order to protect my granddaughter.


From the New Yorker


DH and I went to a resort town in the Texas Hill Country this weekend. Compared to Dallas, we were on a different planet. The resort was fully booked. Aside from employees, I saw 4 masks total the entire weekend. 2 were worn by young children-in each case they were the only ones in their large groups (including numerous other children).

At dinner, all employees were wearing masks. Our server, however, wore hers at upper lip level. Seriously, what is the point?

At Starbucks, I observed 2 gentlemen pulling on their masks as they entered the store (we were sitting at an outdoor table). The first time I said “I’ll bet he’s from Dallas.” He got into a car that had a sticker for a Dallas private school on it. The second guy was dressed really preppy and I said “I’ll bet he’s from Austin.” He got into a car with a license plate holder that had the name of an Austin car dealer on it. We didn’t see anyone else going in with a mask on.

None of this bothered us since we are fully vaccinated. I know there is still a chance of breakthrough infection, but I like our odds of having no symptoms or only mild symptoms. I usually am pretty risk averse, but at least for now the vaccines seem to be handling the new variants and we are happy to have some semblance of our old lives again. We happily wear masks whenever required in Dallas, which is still most places.