Fund for American Studies: Anybody been to it?

<p>I applied for the Institute on Comparative Political and Economic Systems from the Fund for American Studies foundation. I also found out I have been accepted. Over all the program will cost 9000$ including food,housing, and tuition. I got a 1000$ scholarship :/</p>

<p>So here is my delima, I do not know if this internship is worth it. The program is great but I have also been accepted into other summer internships with Senators. Republican Senators that are paying 1600$ a month!</p>

<p>So my question is quite simple. Is the internship offered by the Fund for American Studies worth it when compared to taking the other internships. Will the impact it makes on my resume worth the huge loans I will have to take? I was hoping to hear the experiences from those that may have gone already and see what they say.</p>

<p>Here is the link to the internship. DC</a> Internships : ICPES</p>

<p>i doubt it. go for the one that pays you.</p>


<p>Please help</p>