<p>please tell me someone saw the obama/mccain southpark episode?!?!?</p>
<p>I did. I thought it was hilarious. Some people were offended by the joke about Obama’s grandmother having faked her own death (she died in real life a short while ago), but meh, it’s South Park.</p>
<p>People wanting to watch it can see it here, uploaded by Comedy Central itself: [Episode</a> Guide - South Park Studios](<a href=“http://www.southparkstudios.com/guide/]Episode”>South Park - TV Series | South Park Studios US). It’s the last episode, titled “About Last Night.” Completely and utterly hilarious… I specially loved the reaction from the McCain supporters about the world coming to an end XD</p>
<p>hahahahhahaha when when obama hangs up with palin and says ‘god she’s awesome’, I laughed harder than I’ve ever laughed in my life</p>
<p>Randy marsh ftw</p>
<p>My favourite part of the episode was when Obama and McCain did their high five and yelled “BOOM BABY!”</p>
<p>But yeah it was a pretty good episode. A lot better than the others from this half of the season.</p>
<p>Obama… when you came and you gave without taking… Celebrate Obama, c’mon!.. </p>
<p>A good parody of obama-mania</p>
<p>the mere fact that mccain refers to obama as ‘B’ is downright hilarious</p>