Future Aspirations

<p>Hey! I got bored so I'm starting this thread just to see what everyones' life long goals are. Mine are to get my J.D., perhaps go for my M.D. afterwards (law and the human body fascinate me), maintain a successful practice for a few years, and then get elected to the U.S. Senate!</p>

<p>oh yeah....i wanna beautiful wife and Mercedes SLR-McClaren :)</p>

<p>i want to be bill gates.</p>

<p>I want to be happy. That's my only real goal in life.</p>

<p>To find out what those damn cardboard tubes inside the toilet paper rolls are called.</p>

<p>you mean they're not called damn cardboard tubes?</p>

<p>LOL... there's a name for those? </p>

<p>I want to be happy.</p>


<p>I would like to be an investment banker or trader...have a nice Manhattan or Chicago apartment, a Ferrari (or two), nice vacations and dinner, and a loving, down-to-earth wife...</p>

<p>After about 15-20 years (at which point, if I've been successful, I should have a couple million stashed in bonds/mutual funds), I'll relax, maybe become a teacher or something...and at some point, I'd like to run for the Senate or write a novel.</p>

<p>Lofty goals, I know.</p>

Doctors without Borders
Politics, state senator to US Senate</p>

<p>hmm I want a phd and I want to teach and write historical texts or novels....
I want to live near the ocean and make sure that my parents are well taken care of</p>

<p>glamorous, I know.</p>

<p>i've always wanted to work with movies, though i can't act, direct, or anything because i just can't see myself doing that sort of stuff. so i thought of being a consultant or designer for sets and whatnot, and also deal with historical context and continuity. So... that'd involve majoring in architecture and history, probably with a minor in film studies. and so i'm going into engineering because that's where i might actually find a job. "reality is the only obstacle to happiness."</p>

<p>Undersecretary of State for East Asian Affairs
United States Senator
Secretary of State (perhaps?)</p>


<p>US senator
Mexican president (citizen)
fiction writer
internatial peace activist</p>

<p>all of u putting down US senator...don't be ashamed to tell the world what you REALLY want! ;-) </p>

<p>I would if I could, but the xenophobic Constitution forbids it.</p>

<p>financial engineer,(hope they dont throw me out!)
earn some money, go back to india, join politics and work for child labor.</p>

<p>trader. What else can I do?</p>

<p>I think you only have to be a born American citizen for president, right? For senator/congressman, you only need to have lived in such and such state for seven years or something like that, right?</p>

<p>vida guerrera</p>

<p>I want to be national activist for children's rights....I would probably start with more finacially productive road of politics or government administration but then come back to my true love of social work</p>

<p>yeah MzLover u should try reading the "xenophobic Constiution." anyone who has been a US Citzen for 9 years can be a Senator; 7 years to be a member of the House of Representatives. Unless, of course, you consider THAT xenophobic.</p>

<p>i want to become a successful forensic psychologist and make enough money to live very comfortably and support my family. and be HAPPILY married.</p>

<p>obviously im was refering to the native-born clause for president....</p>