Future of auto manufacturing


<p>So finally after so many apps and interviews, I finally got a job offer. It's in an automotive company in a manufacturing plant, I'm an IE. Now I want to think a little deeper into what the outlook would be for an IE or any engineer type in the auto manufacturing industry. Since so many things have been outsourced to other countries, I don't want to lose my job over time. What do you think of this? Any input is appreciated.</p>


<p>Take the job and get some experience. </p>

<p>There’s no industry that can guarantee you a job for life.</p>

<p>Regardless of whether the industry will hold, you will be developing skills, though experience and continuous training, that will carry over to other industries. I interviewed with a guy once that used to be an IE for a major airline. When that industry tanked he moved straight into healthcare, and still knew how to do his job. He is now the director of IE. For IE’s it’s not so much the scenery, but the process.</p>