Future Plans/Career Interest section dilemma on the Common App?

Say I want to apply to some schools for their Engineering program, and others for their Finance program.
Under the section labelled “Future Plans”, I put my career interest as Engineer. There is only one option.

Wouldn’t submitting that to the schools I want to major in Finance to look weird?

Is there a way to workaround this, such as submitting for all the engineering schools, then altering it, and submitting it to the rest? I would like to try this, but I want to make sure it works first. Looking for any guidance to do this.

Yes you can do that–

@golfcashoahu @thesebajun I know the thread’s been dead for a while, but how exactly do you do this? I am having a similar problem as I am trying to major in history/business depending on the school I apply to.