Gaining Experience in Graphic Design with Computer Science

Hello Everyone,
So I am currently a sophomore studying computer science, along with loving the analytical and problem-solving aspect of computer science, I love making things and being artistic which has often made me wonder about switching to architecture or graphic design when things get hard. but ive pushed through and continued down the compSci path. However, I’ve been looking at several internships that interest me at companies such as Lego, Google, and Pixar to name a few, which all look for people with both a good background in computer science and programming, and a good knowledge of design and 3d modeling. i was just wondering how to learn more about design and 3d modeling and still stay on the right track with compsci?

Hmmm…there was a mom who posted here whose son did CS and Graphics Design. Hopefully she will see this OR someone will remember who and tag her.