Gaining in state tuition on the year I turn 24?

I’m currently a 21 year old (turning 22 in December) who moved to California around a year ago. My family used to live in Washington but went back to china because of financial issues. I’m not sure about it yet but I’m thinking about starting college here at a local community college. I don’t mind paying out of state at a community college but will I qualify for in state tuition when I get to a 4 year university? I plan on going to CC for 2 years if not more just in case I need to start off slowly.
Assuming I start this upcoming fall and graduate CC in 2 years, I will be 23 years old but turning 24 that December. Would that mean I’ll be considered independent for the 4 year university?
Also I’ve been living on my own the past year with no help from anyone else.

Oh and another question. Would it be okay if I asked my family for help for college? My family is saying they’d help me out if I ever had problems but I don’t want to accept it if it becomes a problem with gaining in state tuition here. Please correct me if I have any false information!