
<p>or... when talking about women... "Im sorry, i just dont trust nething that bleeds for 5 days and doesnt die"... rofl</p>

<p>how bout favorite borat quote then</p>

<p>"If she cheat on me, I will crush her."
I laugh EVERY time I watch that video.</p>

<p>Favorite TV show and 2006 movie.
(Mine = Grey's Anatomy & The Departed, I'm just sexy like that.)</p>

<p>That's more like it.. LOVED Borat.</p>

<p>"Gypsy?! Give me your tears! If you will not give them to me, I will take them from you!"</p>

<p>"It's nice, I like"</p>

<p>"I loves the Pamela Andersons"</p>

<p>"**** off, Death!"</p>


<p>lmao, oh mannnn.</p>

<p>"I am watching you, gypsy."</p>

<p>and they just keep on getting better..</p>

<p>"Her vagina hangs like sleeve of wizard"</p>

<p>"You telling me the man who try to put a rubber fist in my anus was a homosexual?"</p>

<p>"Pamela! I no find you attractive anymore!... NOT!"</p>

<p>Driving Instructor: Because, a woman has the right to choose who she has sex with.
Borat: [stunned] WHAT?... You joke?
Driving Instructor: It must be consent. How bout that?
Borat: [turns to Instructor, pauses] Ahahahahaha! </p>

<p><3 =)</p>

<p>if you had to eat a person to survive, do you think they would taste like their ethnicity... r mexicans spicy... after u eat a chinese person r u hungry 30 minutes later for more... do black ppl taste like fried chicken</p>

<p>do you have ne idea wat im talking about</p>

<p>are you high?</p>

<p>High on CC
Do you like Orange Soda?</p>

<p>yessss ohmugawd yes.</p>

<p>What's your second choice school?</p>


<p>tea or coffee or hot chocolate</p>

<p>no carmel machiato</p>

<p>apple or pc</p>

<p>hard choice..</p>

<p>I'm going to have to go with pc...or apple. aaahhh!</p>

<p>love with an ugly woman/man or lust with a hot woman/man?</p>

<p>Lust of course</p>

<p>Favorite character on Friends</p>

<p>mike (phoebes husband)</p>

<p>fav character on seinfeld</p>

<p>Joey and his fake salami foreskin...</p>

<p>good night sexy</p>

<p>fav seinfeld character - george!!</p>

<p>First thing on your Christmas/Chanukah/Kwanza list?</p>


<p>If you could travel to any US state/city, which would it be?</p>

<p>philly... after getting in :-p</p>

<p>do you and your senior class have ne badass senior prank ideas or suggestions</p>

<p>not a suggestion but spreading the word, last year a few kids from the local high school where i live (Huntsville High.. in huntsville AL) paid a homeless guy to walk through the halls naked</p>

<p>tehy got in a ****load of trouble and its pretty degrading, but they got onto the colbert report and some little blurb on cnn for a senior prank</p>

<p>again, not supporting it, just responding</p>


<p>stephen colbert or jon stewart?</p>

<p>colbert... and thats an amazing senior prank</p>

<p>lindsay lohan or hilary duff</p>