<p>OK! How about a thread where we are not all spazzing about penn portal. penn is just behind and everyone will get their stuff. </p>
<p>How about we get to know each other lol. (this is stolen from a MIT thread)</p>
<li>dream career, if money were irrelevant?</li>
<li>what school?</li>
<li>intended major/academic interests?</li>
<li>favorite book?</li>
<li>nerdiness on a scale of 1-10?</li>
<li>guilty pleasure?</li>
<li>favorite music genre?</li>
<li>greatest accomplishment?</li>
<li>greatest failure?</li>
<p>ill start…</p>
<li>was Ibanking lol</li>
<li>Finance (and maybe a dual degree with the college in math)</li>
<li>Motherless Brooklyn by Jonathan Lethem (about a kid with touretts who ends up involved with organized crime)</li>
<li>3 max (YAY!)</li>
<li>protein shakes lol</li>
<li>everything but country</li>
<li>being awesomely awesome</li>
<li>being almost as awesome as myself but not being quite there? (don’t even know what this means)</li>
<p>p.s. i just wanted to include that the word outstanding has more than one definition</p>
<p>i have no clue why i am doing this… i really am that bored</p>
<li>dream career, if money were irrelevant: Non-profit Owner</li>
<li>what school: Penn… </li>
<li>intended major/academic interests? no clue… i go to college to find that out</li>
<li>favorite book? Extremely loud and incredibly close</li>
<li>nerdiness on a scale of 1-10? 1 before doing this… 7 upon completion</li>
<li>guilty pleasure? actually going to CC every day… despite the fact that most of the advice is substandard and it really just makes you more nervous </li>
<li>favorite music genre? anything really… except country sung by girls… </li>
<li>greatest accomplishment? Climbing Highest Peak in Europe</li>
<li>greatest failure? Dec. 12th, 2008… will be my greatest failure…</li>
<p>oh ha then seas… and according to some people it will be releaesed on the 12th which is a friday and goes in accordance with every other online release penn has had. Also the facebook group says so (don’t take my word on it though). Which really sucks for me cause i have a wrestling match while decisions come out. Sooo i am going to be nervous as ****</p>
<p>I thinkkk the 15th is when we get our decisions by mail but the 12th or 13th is when it’s posted online? Something like that…</p>
<p>HAHAHA I understand the outstanding reference hahahha.</p>
<li>dream career, if money were irrelevant?: elementary school teacher</li>
<li>what school? Whartonnn</li>
<li>intended major/academic interests? Finance</li>
<li>favorite book? Ahhh I can never answer this. Too many. Skip</li>
<li>nerdiness on a scale of 1-10? I would say 3.14</li>
<li>guilty pleasure? Peanut butter & banana sandwiches</li>
<li>favorite music genre? Anything that I can dance to</li>
<li>greatest accomplishment? Today I finally took a 1 hour nap.</li>
<li>greatest failure? On an extra-credit “True or False: John McCain will have his own comic strip” question, I wrote “Yes”</li>
<p>whats the facebook group called? im sure its something obvious lol
and id love to have decisions on the 12th! its a friday –> party the hardest i ever had or sit in a corner all weekend</p>
<p>prospective penn students i think… haah i know tell me about it… im gonna either be pumped up and get wasted… orrr go cry and beat off with a noose aroudn my neck(completly kidding but im quoting knocked up)</p>
<p>yyyeahh…this is what i do now that apps are done.</p>
<li>dream career, if money were irrelevant?: missionary in Haiti, Africa, and India or a concert violinist</li>
<li>what school? Wharton+Engineering…= M&T, if upenn. otherwise, juilliard.</li>
<li>intended major/academic interests? Environmental Engineering + Entrepreneurship</li>
<li>favorite book? a lot. (no that’s not a book)</li>
<li>nerdiness on a scale of 1-10? hahaha</li>
<li>guilty pleasure? facebook</li>
<li>favorite music genre? annnythingggg including opera…on occasion. (and minus some country)</li>
<li>greatest accomplishment? playing violin for the president and getting into all-eastern orchestra</li>
<li>greatest failure? haha a lot.</li>
<li>Dream Career: Chief Justice of the Supreme Court :D</li>
<li>What School: University of Pennsylvania!</li>
<li>Intended Major: PPE + Chem Engineering.</li>
<li>Favorite Book: Probably Jane Eyre.</li>
<li>Nerdiness: Not very conventional, 4.</li>
<li>Guilty Pleasure: Special Potato Salad.</li>
<li>Favorite Music Genre: Classical, JPop, Techno remix of Classical xD</li>
<li>Greatest Accomplishment: Non-conforming to a conformist world XD</li>
<li>Greatest Failure: I’ll cry if I get rejected from Penn T_T</li>
<li>dream career: photojournalist–for the AP, Reuters, NYTimes, whathaveyou</li>
<li>what school: Huntsman/Wharton</li>
<li>intended major/academic interests: Uh, business/int’l relations? ahah. If I only get into Wharton, besides the business stuff (only 43%), for electives I’ll probably focus on Japanese/other languages and maybe history or bio…</li>
<li>favorite book: too hard, but: Crown Duel by Sherwood Smith, and most things by Robin McKinley (like The Blue Sword)</li>
<li>nerdiness on a scale of 1-10: no clue</li>
<li>guilty pleasure: reading fanfiction? perhaps that would mean a high nerdiness rating, haha</li>
<li>favorite music genre: alternative/rock</li>
<li>greatest accomplishment: getting a photo of a hockey goal that the refs missed (the puck was just over the line in the photo–the goalie had swept it out really fast) (perhaps also getting 11 stitches in my forehead from a puck without getting a concussion…)</li>
<li>greatest failure: not submitting my early app before mid September (even though it was done), aka: writing my Huntsman essay (“write on current issue that shows how business and international affairs relate”) at the end of August. Meaning I had to rewrite it in order to take the whole crisis into considerationg. But I think it turned out for the better, so perhaps it’s not a failure. but really, this just comes to show that not procrastinating doesn’t always work.</li>
<p>OP: I love Motherless Bklyn as well but it is not about a “kid”–the main character is a full-grown man (granted he does act like a kid at times).</p>
<p>Pahka0709, Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close is also one of my favorite books!! I was about to write that one down, but I’ll write another I guess. </p>
<li>dream career, if money were irrelevant? - Artist or philosopher </li>
<li>what school? - SEAS</li>
<li>intended major/academic interests? - undecided…</li>
<li>favorite book? - Too many, current favorite is A Doll House </li>
<li>nerdiness on a scale of 1-10? - I have a cycle, my global min is 1, and global max is 6</li>
<li>guilty pleasure? - Watch Youtube vids - I have 60+ subscriptions X.X </li>
<li>favorite music genre? - Indies and classical </li>
<li>greatest accomplishment? - Junior year</li>
<li>greatest failure? - Junior year…</li>
<li>dream career, if money were irrelevant? - NBA player</li>
<li>what school? - Penn, where else?</li>
<li>intended major/academic interests? - many, many, many – but right now i’d say int. business</li>
<li>favorite book? - harry potter, of course</li>
<li>nerdiness on a scale of 1-10? - 10 most deff, proud nerd</li>
<li>guilty pleasure? - listening to taylor swift…altho im not that guilty about it lol</li>
<li>favorite music genre? - hmm, everything even coutnry (but probably snow patrol right now)</li>
<li>greatest accomplishment? - hmm, we’ll see</li>
<li>greatest failure? - each one hurts equally</li>
<li>dream career, if money were irrelevant? Law Professor/CNN Correspondent</li>
<li>what school? CAS Penn, Yale Law. </li>
<li>intended major/academic interests? Prelaw/Health and Societies</li>
<li>favorite book? Sirens of Titan by Kurt Vonnegut</li>
<li>nerdiness on a scale of 1-10? 7. I am a waitress on roller skates, and the kitchen staff calls me “falta de coordinacion” every second of my life.</li>
<li>guilty pleasure? Nutella, this website/obsessing over Penn</li>
<li>favorite music genre? over 120 songs on my Ipod by Sufjan Stevens</li>
<li>greatest accomplishment? I balance sports/school/community service and having a life pretty well. This is probably because I don’t see the point in sleep.</li>
<li>greatest failure? A teen driver ran a red light and destroyed my almost brand-new car last week and the side airbags came out and the car spun a little. I called my Dad who was in a meeting in D.C. to tell him what happened and he put me on speakerphone so the other people in the meeting could hear and laugh at me because apparently hearing a teen driver talk about getting hit by a teen driver is the funniest thing on earth.</li>
<li>starving musician/concert pianist, run a non profit. </li>
<li>biochemistry or biophysics</li>
<li>gossip girl. grey’s anatomy</li>
<li>classical, alternative, jazz, trashy music</li>
<li>currently – piano at carnegie hall. and blowing a bubble inside of a bubble using one piece of bubble gum. but i’m hoping the greatest has yet to come.</li>
<li>burning pasta</li>
<li>dream career: i’m gonna have to say becoming super famous through hollywood and hip-hop, and then getting my own late night talk show.</li>
<li>school: Huntsman, 2nd choicing A&S</li>
<li>major: go to –> pahka</li>
<li>book: life of pi? power of one was solid, too</li>
<li><p>nerdiness: the limit as x–>5 of y=x+5</p>
<p>wow that was embarrasing. more like 5.</p></li>
<li><p>guilty pleasure: food</p></li>
<li><p>favorite genre: rap and w/e genre blink 182 would be</p></li>
<li><p>accomplishment: saving two kids in a burning house (epic)</p></li>
<li><p>failure: coming second in a 400 meter race by .3 seconds (not epic)</p></li>