
<p>jennyanne... ROFLCOPTER... omg that ones good</p>

<p>umm... i dont really like holiday movies actually... maybe the charlie brown specials or sumthing</p>

<p>ill reask venus'...</p>

<p>who is ur celebrity crush</p>

<p>That hot girl from that show/movie.</p>

<p>Why do people refer to it as "The Holidays" in commercials featuring Santa, Christmas Trees, and other Christmas stuff?</p>

<p>idk...something to do with wallmart</p>

<p>what will you or what did you do on your 18th b-day?</p>

<p>bday blow job from gf or sumthing</p>

<p>whats ur favorite sport to watch</p>


<p>Why is my exgirlfriend such a *****?</p>

<p>Because deep down every girl is one... but some guys just bring it out in us more than others</p>

<h1>of bones you've broken... (50 pts for tailbone like me)</h1>

<p>girls r naturally whores and r conditioned by relationships with men to not be whores... so obviously, when thrown back into the state of nature of not beingin a relationship, revert back to whoreish form even moreso than normal cuz have to make up for lost time... (ladies, dont kill me or attack me with ur feminist ****<strong><em>, its a joke) ... o, u meant *</em></strong>, not whore...</p>

<p>well answer to that is cuz shes sad she broke up with sum1 and u prolly didnt break up cleanly so theres sum issues with that</p>

<p>and response to second one - 0 bones broken, though i have fractured like, 4</p>

<p>if you could have three wishes (none having to do with PENN) wat would they be</p>

<p>2 - Radius and ulna</p>

<p>If you were a drug addict, which drug would you most abuse?</p>

<p>pixie stix</p>

<p>ever wished u were blonde & blue-eyed? i do.... =/</p>

<p>eeh not really, but green-eyed yeeeees</p>

<p>ever wished you were the other gender?</p>

<p>Blue eyes, not blonde hair.</p>

<p>Do you know who Reichen Lehmkuhl is ?</p>

<p>maybe in auchwitz so i didnt die and might be able to save sum ppl but not otherwise... </p>

<p>and no to the other question, i have no idea who that is</p>

<p>y would u want to be blonde haired and blue eyed</p>

<p>I'm brown-haired and blue-eyed...but no, I wouldn't want blonde'd look weird on me. I'd also rather have green eyes</p>

<p>idk... the hype? lol i hear blondes have more fun ;)</p>

<p>u could have fun if you wanted to... its not that hard as long as ur not that ugly</p>

<p>should it have been OSU VS MICH OR OSU VS FLA</p>

<p>lol i dont think i am so we'll see. </p>


<p>q: which came first: the chicken or the egg?</p>

<p>I wanted Michigan, but I don't really know who it SHOULD have been</p>

<p>OSU will win anyway. Ohio pride! (lol...everything about Ohio sucks, actually...)</p>

<p>**** the gators... it shouldve been michigan... i really hope the OSU blows Florida out... im a huge lifelong michigan fan and now this season ive had to root for the fighting irish and the buckeyes... wat a mockery of justice</p>

<p>they both came... simultaenosuly... from a flying spaghetti monster</p>

<p>ne1 else mad u cant post more than once in a minute?</p>

<p>I BELIEVE in the flying spaghetti monster, do YOU?</p>

<p>Yes, there are like 5 threads in rotation right now...this is more than I've ever posted in 1 day before, I'm pretty sure</p>

<p>lol yea, i kinda am. and i def had all this work to finish before dinner... gah! i hate CC</p>