gay life at Vtech

<p>hello just wondering how gay life is on campus. Is Vtech pretty tolerant and do those students have a friendly atmosphere. Also is there like an organization for it?
Or do you not recommend Vtech for a gay student?

<p>Since I’m not gay it is kinda difficult to answer this question. I do know that there is an LGBT organization on campus and it is very active. As for tolerance and friendliness, I have no clue. I haven’t seen anyone get picked on or tortured about it. I would guess that you would be okay at VT.</p>

<p>Its like most other places. You’ll run into alot of people that are very friendly, and you’ll run into some that aren’t. But its not the stereotypical southern anti-gay atmosphere that some outsiders would expect. Its alot more of a diverse campus than I thought it would be.</p>