GCE Internation Record Credit Transfer

<p>im a student a california community college. i want to transfer to berkeley (business admin) so i went to assist.org. the agreement said if i had a grade of C or better on my gce advanced level math exam (which i did) i do not have to take calculus 1 at community college. so i went to my community college and got calculus 1 cleared and took calculus 2 instead. now heres the problem. since i applied to every uc as backup in case i didnt get into berkeley, will they question the fact that i did not take calculus 1 even though its a major requirement. i know berkeley wont but i couldnt find anything on the other campus websites about gce advanced level exams. or because i completed a higher level calculus course they wont say anything? im really confused. please help. i tried emailing the schools and they said they could not pre-evaluate.</p>

<p>It shouldn’t matter since Calculus 2 will “validate” Calculus 1. For example, if you took a placement test and got placed into Calculus 2, there is no reason for you to take Calculus 1 and the UCs should accept that.</p>