Geneseo Overcrowded?

<p>Are classes at Geneseo overcrowded as at many of the other SUNYs?</p>

<p>I recently read an article stating how students at UAlbany were having trouble getting into the classes that they needed to graduate.
Cramming</a> takes new meaning -- Page 1 -- Times Union - Albany NY</p>

<p>Has this been a problem for anyone at Geneseo? As a recently admitted student who is seriously considering Geneseo, I am quite worried that I will not be able to take the classes that I want to. Thanks!</p>

<p>Geneseo is addressing this by reducing the incomming class size by 75.</p>

<p>How is it that they can do that? Let’s say they accept 3000 people for 1000 spots, they can’t control how many people end up going, especially in this economy. They can guess, based upon data from previous years, but this is not your average year. Many people may take them up on their offer. The only thing they can control is acceptances, not actual admits. If more show up than they expect, then they really didn’t cut the class by 75.</p>


<p>It is controlled by a wait list. There are also standard formulas for the % of people who are expected to accept an offer. The admissions departments (of every college) are pros at this calculation. </p>

<p>The previous topic actually seems to infer that they may already be pulling from the wait list which is odd since it is so early after acceptance letters were mailed.</p>

<p>It is not overcrowded here. There is an an empty room down the hall from me.</p>

<p>Geneseo does a good job of controlling this.</p>

<p>Good article! I think it shows just how bad the SUNY system has been hit. </p>

<p>The Albany situation is odd. Albany is part of the Hudson Mohawk Consortium that allows cross registration among 21 institutions of higher education. Students could take a classes at Skidmore, Union, St Rose and so on, at SUNY prices in this case, if not offered at their home institution. If one was in the honors program, early registration is a big advantage.</p>

<p>That said, some colleges and universities seem to be handling it better than others. Geneseo, from what I’ve read, seems to have a proactive administration and does their best as evidenced by the reduced freshman class size. Still, plan carefully with your advisor.</p>

<p>Don’t let this stop you from attending Geneseo.</p>

<p>Reply to sean256,
You’re kidding right? Obviously you never go to the library.
If Geneseo WASN’T overcrowded, registration or even simply trying to find a desk or computer in the library wouldn’t be so difficult. An empty room doesn’t signify anything. This school is small; relatively, yes they do accept too many people.</p>

<p>Simplystated- You sound like an ignorant prick. Stop giving people false perceptions of Geneseo. Your posts all over this forum are unnecessary.</p>

<p>When categorizing a college of being overcrowded, the primary thing that it is based upon is the residence hall occupancy numbers. Any major university will tell you this. Do some research.</p>

<p>And yes, Milne is crowded but you have to make the necessary adjustments to cope with this. How about going to fraser library? Or the study rooms in the union? Bet you’ve never done those things buddy.</p>

<p>Registration? Freshman get screwed. That’s the way it goes…EVERYWHERE. I don’t have a problem because I carried 27 credits in from high school so I’m higher on the registration order. Maybe you should have taken some AP or accelerated classes in high school.</p>

<p>Sounds like someone is bitter about their school and their success.</p>

<p>Yes I am bitter about this school, but not so much my success thanks.
What I AM bitter about is your ignorance. No, Freshmen DONT have to wait until sophomore year in other colleges to take classes that pertain to THEIR MAJOR, thats just a SUNY thing. Study rooms in the union? Dude, how do you even study with all that noise? Fraser? Yeah breaking into the LOCKED building after 10-11PM and bumping your chair into the person behind you in the crowded space is really fun. Open your eyes, i’m just telling the truth. Don’t overexaggerate on how great everything here is; no wonder this place is willing to offer full tuition.</p>

<p>What kind of school has a library that’s only opened until 1AM? Sorry BUDDY, but that doesn’t work for me.</p>

<p>And as for residence hall occupancy, funny how they open up new residence halls to accommodate more students, but they don’t do anything about expanding class sizes, or opening up new slots for the very least…</p>

<p>Wow…my eyes are open. I’ll be the first to admit some of the drawbacks of Geneseo, but you are spitting lies.</p>

<p>Funny, I just got back from Fraser and there were two kids in the whole place. On the way out I bumped some of them…right.</p>

<p>What do you do all day? Do you really need to be in the library past 1AM?</p>

<p>So what if you have to take a class a little bit later. Get your gen. ed requirements out of the way.</p>

<p>How about you transfer if you’re so displeased with geneseo?</p>

<p>Trust me, I should have. Oh wait, but then again, why would I transfer when i can just do well here and win out stupid kids and graduate as one of the top students? As GeneseoGrad mentioned in another thread, i’d rather suffer four years in a crappy school and not pay a cent of tuition and be debt free when I apply to grad school. That way I can go to Cali for grad school while you’re stuck here thinking that this place is the best place in the world.</p>

<p>Ohhhh, and as for “lies,”
I think its very much a lie when they say that Geneseo students are a bunch of top students from their school. This school was very much a safety for me and my friends. I’ve met some really stupid people here who brag as if they know everything. People like you. Thanks and stop your ignorance.</p>

<p>And yes, when you’re taking Organic Chem, Analytical Physics, Genetics, Hum, Development classes, etc you do need to be in the library past 1AM. And also, you don’t know crap if you think getting your gen eds out of the way is going to help. There are classes to take every year in order to clear your pre-reqs for future classes; if you don’t finish them in freshman/sophomore year, you’ll be behind. Go do your research before you talk big. </p>

<p>Oh btw, gen.eds dont really matter depending on your major. Being a Biology/Psych Major clears your S/N/M majors, i finished F/U freshman year, and i came in with language done. So please, don’t act like you know everything. thanks.</p>

<p>Bio majors don’t have to take analytical physics chump. Shows how much you know. I’ll let you know how general physics goes though. For sure.</p>