Genetics Major

<p>I posted on here a couple months ago that I had a strong interest in going to Madison and majoring in genetics. However, It just dawned on me that I really don't know too much about the major. I know that it's not found at too many schools other than Madison and the ivies. I know that it's in the CALS. I know that it's similar to straight-up biology in the core classes, and that specialization happens in grad school. Otherwise, I'm wondering what a major in genetics from Madison entails. Is it basically just microbiology but only differs in name? Is it especially competitive? Is it a popular major? Would I be able to take the MCAT with the classes I would take? </p>

<p>If anyone could shed some light on this enigmatic major, it would be greatly appreciated! Thanks.</p>

<p>300 majors at all UG levels so pretty popular. The rest is on the website and pretty clear.</p>

<p>[Genetics</a> at Wisconsin | UW Laboratory of Genetics](<a href=“]Genetics”></p>

<p>^^“I know that it’s not found at too many schools other than Madison and the ivies.”</p>

<p>Actually, there are quite a few schools that offer a major in genetics. Also, other schools with a general biology dept. often offer specialty tracks in genetics with their biology major programs. When a specific genetics major isn’t offered, a molecular biology major usually covers this specialty.</p>

<p>Thanks for the replies! But are you sure more schools offer genetics? I could find very few in my searches. With 300 people, it sounds pretty competitive to get into. </p>

<p>I guess what I’m still a little unsure of is how undergrad genetics is different from undergrad microbiology? Is it even worth going to a school specifically because they have a genetics major over another school that only offers microbiology?</p>

<p>^“But are you sure more schools offer genetics?”</p>

<p>Besides Wisconsin, here are the programs at Big 10 schools:
Minnesota: Genetics, Cell Biology, & Development: [url=&lt;a href=“]U”&gt;]U</a> of M: Department of Genetics, Cell Biology and Genetics<a href=“BS”>/url</a>
Michigan State: Microbiology & Molecular Genetics: [url=&lt;a href=“]MSU”&gt;]MSU</a> Microbiology and Molecular Genetics | Undergraduate Degree<a href=“BS%20Genonomics%20&%20Molecular%20Genetics”>/url</a>
Purdue: Biological Sciences: [url=&lt;a href=“]Department”&gt;]Department</a> Biological Sciences, Purdue University Undergraduate Studies<a href=“Genetic%20Biology”>/url</a>
Illinois: Molecular & Cellular Biology: [url=&lt;a href=“Undergraduate Programs | School of Molecular & Cellular Biology | UIUC”&gt;Undergraduate Programs | School of Molecular & Cellular Biology | UIUC]The</a> School of Molecular and Cellular Biology | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign<a href=“Genetics%20emphasis”>/url</a>
Indiana: Biology: [url=&lt;a href=“]Biotechnology”&gt;]Biotechnology</a> (B.S.) : Department of Biology : Indiana University Bloomington<a href=“Biotechnology”>/url</a>
Ohio State: Molecular Genetics: [url=&lt;a href=“]Undergraduate”&gt;Department of Molecular Genetics – Science Labs]Undergraduate</a> Programs: Department of Molecular Genetics<a href=“BS”>/url</a>
Penn State: Biology: [url=&lt;a href=“]Undergraduate”&gt;]Undergraduate</a> Degree Programs: Science, Eberly College<a href=“Genetics%20&%20Developmental%20Biology%20Option”>/url</a>
[url=&lt;a href=“|biotc08sp.htm]Undergraduate”&gt;|biotc08sp.htm]Undergraduate</a> Degree Programs: Science, Eberly College<a href=“Biotechnology”>/url</a>
Iowa: Biology; [url=&lt;a href=“]Undergraduate”&gt;]Undergraduate</a> Degrees and Tracks - Department of Biology - The University of Iowa<a href=“Genetics%20&%20Biotechnology%20Track”>/url</a>
Northwestern: Biological Sciences: [url=&lt;a href=“]Degree”&gt;]Degree</a> Concentrations, Undergraduate, Biological Sciences, WCAS, Northwestern University<a href=“Genetics%20&%20Molecular%20Biology%20Area%20of%20Concentration”>/url</a></p>

<p>If you look for undergrad programs in a dept. specifically labeled “genetics”, you’ll turn up fewer programs; if you expand the search to specialty tracks within biology depts or in molecular biology depts, you’ll find more programs.</p>

<p>Admission is open to all. Not a restricted dept. UW had the first genetics dept in the US and it’s till very good.</p>

<p>Ok, great, thanks! I am assuming that it can be taken Pre-Med as well then, yes?</p>