George Jenkins Scholarship?

<p>Hey future 'Canes! Did any of you guys do the Jenkins Scholarship? And if so, when will we hear back? Thanks and good luck to everybody!</p>

<p>Does anyone have any idea how many Jenkins Scholarships are given out? Any info regarding this would be appreciated! It seems like the Jenkins Scholarship goes kind of unnoticed!</p>

<p>I have 2 disappointing news to share. I found out from someone on Facebook that George Jenkins recipients are notified on April 1st (which was supported by info I found online that says April 2nd) so we can expect to get results early April. The second news is apparently only 3 people win this scholarship each year. I don’t know if this info is 100 % true but I do see credibility in the notification date on April 1st. </p>

<p>It is stated on this website [Scholarships</a> - West Creek High School Counseling Center](<a href=“http://westcreekcounselingcenter.■■■■■■■■■■/scholarships.html]Scholarships”>http://westcreekcounselingcenter.■■■■■■■■■■/scholarships.html) </p>

<p>“Three scholarships are awrded to high school graduates (U.S. citizens) from Florida, Georgia, Alabama, South Carolina, and Tennessee who meet the above stringent criteria. After you FIRST see your counselor PRIOR to December 1, 2011, to determine whether or not you qualify to be nominated for this scholarship the student must submit an application for admission to the University of Miami, the George W. Jenkins Scholarship Personal Statement and academic credentials to the University of Miami as soon as possible. The deadline for thewse materials is December 1, 2011. Winners will be announced by April 2, 2012.”</p>

<p>Oh wow!!! April 1st!? Only 3 winners? Woah, that’s hard to process right now!</p>

<p>Yeah but fortunately like you said before the scholarship goes unnoticed and now we know why info on it is so hard to find. Bedsides you and me, I only know four other people who have applied. One from Facebook, and 3 from my school (but one got rejected :frowning: ). The second got accepted and the third is waiting for her RD decision. I plan on calling them to see if they can tell me how many applicants applied for the scholarship so i can see what our chances are. I am trying to have optimistic thoughts since I think i qualify for it. I mean I have 0 EFC based on FAFSA, I have a good GPA, and I think my adversity essay was good. But I guess we will find out in 56 days. As if waiting for February 3rd wasn’t long enough :(</p>

<p>Seriously! I mean, this scholarship does not get a lot of attention, hopefully that works in our favor! And I definately would like to know how many they give out because the Hammond gives out a lottttt!! I just hope they at least email us some info soon. If I don’t win this scholarship…well I’m already looking for a job, and other scholarships.</p>

<p>Hello! I signed up today just to write in this thread! I was accepted into UM on Friday, what an awesome surprise. My FAFSA was processed on February 1st so I’m not sure if that has anything to do with not being offered a scholarship or not. But I applied for the George W Jenkins scholarship and have not received word on that. Not even an email saying they received my application in December… It worries me to think it got lost in the mail or something. Is there anyone I could contact to confirm my application?</p>

<p>I would try calling the financial aid department or emailing them. That’s what I was planning on doing tomorrow.
Phone: 305-284-5212
Fax: 305-284-4082
E-mail: <a href=“”></a></p>

<p>Is there an interview portion, or do they just pick the winners and notify them? I mean I don’t know why this scholarship goes under the radar when it pretty much pays for everything! & gives a stipend!</p>

<p>When I looked it up there was nothing about an interview. I am pretty sure they would have stated it on the UM website where they give info on the scholarship. They may only pick people based on their credentials on their application but who knows.</p>

<p>I guess we’ll just have to see what happens smh. I should have done the Hammond…</p>

My D applied for the Jenkins as well.

I did too. April is a long time to wait.

@bengalmombengal‌ @PassionForUMiami‌ - just in case you didn’t notice the date on this thread and are wondering why the previous posters aren’t active - this thread is exactly three years old. But how encouraging to see CCers use the “search” feature to find info! That’s what I did extensively three years ago at this time when my daughter was a senior in high school to ferret out all the Singer/Stamps info available here in old threads. Search is your best friend on CC : )