George Washington University

Does anyone here go to george washington or has gotten into george washington? How hard would you say admissions are and how should my test scores be?

You need to look at the common data set for GW. Google it. You will see the stats for admitted freshmen. Compare your scores to those listed and see where you fall. That’s your best way to figure out how you compare to others who are accepted.

You can google that information.

I have a 3.8 UW GPA
Taken 6 APs
12 honors courses
Made honor roll every year
volunteer every week at animal shelter as well as at a hospital
in 2 clubs and 4 honor societies and am the secretary of one of the clubs and one of the honor societies
I play the piano
I also have the global citizenship diploma and have done an internship
My ACT score is a 30
I have taken 2 SAT subject tests
I have also had mostly As with a few Bs for all of high school

What do you think my chances are and how do you guys think I could improve them?

Your GPA is a little low. You’ve got a shot, but I’d put it at below-average. Since you don’t really have any time to get your grades up before applying (assuming you’re applying in the fall) the best thing you can do is improve upon other things. I think your ACT score is good, as well as your organization involvements. How much time have you put into volunteering, cumulatively? I think using the rest of this summer to get some more community involvement and volunteer time would be the best use of your time as far as your application is concerned.

Further, and what I recommend everyone do, is that if you’re truly interested in GW, you need to be able to show that. Visit the school, email the Admissions Office, reach-out to your local GW Admissions Rep, etc. Strong interest can definitely tip scale in your favor.

You don’t have to submit your test scores to apply. Focus on GPA, essays and extracurriculars.

@NHuffer My experience with helping twins through the college acceptance process over the last couple of years (with one headed to GW) would suggest that schools are wisely moving away from the super-human, broadly involved model that was prevalent during the “Gilmore Girls” era. I think there is much less emphasis on volunteering, because schools are seeing it as students checking off a required box. I think what schools are looking for more these days is evidence of commitment and passion. They want to see that you excelled in one particular area, and then that you are rounded enough to be involved in a few others. I would say @jibriel that your GPA does need to be at or near perfect this year, and you should focus on the science competition. If you are looking at a career in engineering, or something of the sort, I think your chances will be better than if you are looking at International Relations. GW wants to maintain a strong science program, but they are known, because of their location, for attracting political types.

@candjsdad excellent points, and thanks for the update on where Admissions folks are headed with respect to their desired traits.

@jibriel GW has a biology program (and many similar as we’ve got a great medical school) but no neuroscience major. It looks like you can major in psychology and have a concentration in cognitive neuroscience.

32 ACT
Perfect GPA (4.3505 w)
Taken 10 APs
Officer in 2 clubs, co-captain of varsity tennis team, in 2 other clubs (just as a member)
Volunteer at food bank and for mayoral campaign
Lifeguard over one summer, worked at an ice cream shop over the next summer
Visited GWU, really loved it
I am going to apply RD for biomedical engineering major and was wondering my chances and how much money I may get. I am worried about that. Also, essay wise, does anyone know what they are looking for?

@c0ll3g3g1rl I recommend you starting a new thread to ask your questions- more people will see it.