Georgetown Admissions Fall 2022

Can you send the link to that please?


Can someone call admissions and ask ?

Hi everyone: Have changes been made on the Application Portal that suggest that Georgetown will release admissions decisions tonight?

Mine looks the same.

not on the portal but general signs point at its release today. gwu + gtown release together historically, they’re always a bit earlier, and this was around the time last year they release. also the kicker - gu qatar released 3 hours ago (6 pm in qatar time) to which i predict means that 6 pm est is when gtown releases today


people on reddit are saying they called and they said that they would typically email a few hours before decisions are released

see but they didnt last year which is a regular gtown moment at this point


Check now and see if you can get into the admitted students page. Go to your portal and click on the right hand side (it will still say 2025) but I think people are getting in now.

Are people able to get in ? I cant :pensive:

Click on this from your portal

Calling all new Hoyas! Log into your Admitted Students Portal and register to join us for a virtual Welcome Event tonight at 7 p.m. EDT: https://■■■■■■/3cVi4YJ. [#Hoyas2025]
(#hoyas2025 - 发现)

Did you try? Don’t use the links in the thread here. Do it from your portal.

I clicked on it, it takes to a page that says " future hoyas’ but no link to admitted students anymore . What am I missing?

Not sure where to find that on my portal

yeah it just says Welcome Future Hoyas, but no indication of a link or anything

I dont think this is the current students portal though, everyone shoud be abe to access it right ?

yeah I think so

Yes, it says Welcome Future Hoyas. There is no button for admitted students anymore but look at the top of your web bar (where you normally put address) and it says admitted students portal. As before it did not have this? Did it?

I still have the old page open with the link, and it still says access denied there

i just typed in the address in a random browser and it still loaded

Sorry guys. I thought it was a change. Apologize for the fire. Guess it’s not unless we all got in…which would be ahhhmaaazing.