Georgetown Admissions Fall 2022

Applying to Georgetown in 2022? This is the spot for the future class of 2026 to post questions, comments or admissions stats and updates.

How do your application stats compare to the students accepted last year? Check out the info below and then share your stats, activities and more.

Georgetown 2021 Admitted Student Statistics
Admitted Students in Top 10% of Graduating Class 83%
Mean SAT Score 1438
Admissions Test Policy Test scores are considered and required
Applicants Submitting SATs 75%
Applicants Submitting ACTs 46%
Waitlist Yes

A Note on Admissions Data: We get our data from Peterson’s. If some of the numbers look off, this wiki-post allows registered CC members to edit, update, or add relevant info, like admissions and decisions dates and additional stats. If you have different info from a reputable source, feel free to update this post. To make changes, just click Edit in the lower right corner.

To learn more about academics, student life, tuition and aid, or admissions at Georgetown, visit their school profile on CC College Search.

My daughter got deferred but knew it was a long shot and is excited for the deferral.

She’s 4.0 unweighted with average extracurriculars and Honors and AP classes.

Son deferred. Same stat 4.0 uw with great Rec and ecs. Not looking optimistically on it as we had understood that you either got in or were deferred. No rejections. Any confirmation of that ?

There’s no spot for it on the application, so how do you send your high school transcript to Georgetown? Or does a counselor have to do it?

hs counselor sends it

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Correct. GU doesn’t reject anyone in the early round. Even stellar students get deferred to RD round. Hang in there!

did anyone else get an email about completing the georgetown application that said
“Georgetown will gladly accept submission of the Georgetown Supplement through 11:59pm ET on Friday, January 14th” ?

does this mean they’ve extended the deadline of the supplement from january 10th?

My DD did, and she would like to confirm it as well, but I couldn’t find any information on GU’s website. Did anyone else got the email? Thanks!

I applied EA so I can’t comment on the RD deadline for Georgetown, but I’ve had other RD schools do this the last couple weeks without changing their official deadline. It likely just means they may be slightly below their target application numbers, so for those who have already started their application (which for georgetown also means you’ve already paid) they’re given a discrete extension.

If I took two SATs and two ACTs, but I only want my SATs to be seen, do I still have to submit both ACT scores as well? Also, my first SAT was around a 1300 and my second was 1500+, so I was wondering: how do they consider the best score? Is weight placed on the lower scores or is more weight placed on the top score?

Georgetown requires that every single test you’ve sat for you submit. That means every single SAT or ACT must be submitted. Obviously, a student who submits a 1300 and a 1500+ may be evaluated different than one who submits one 1500+ score.

My D was connected with an interviewer. She reached out and the person never responded. About a week later she advised admissions and they gave her another person. She contacted the second person and they never responded. It’s been over a week now. She has not had this experience with any other school. Is the common for Georgetown? Should she request a third interviewer? She doesn’t want to be annoying but its frustrating when people don’t respond.

I also remember that Georgetown encouraged us to reach out if our interviewer didn’t reach out within a week, so if anything, she’s following directions LOL

I definitely think she should reach out again. She’s not being annoying at all. An interview is a great way to showcase your interest and talent.

Everyone got email regarding Financial Aid info session?


FWIW, my son was deferred EA for McDonough
Texas applicant
SAT 1510
Top 7% competitve public school
3.97 / 5.48
All AP’s
Founded club as Freshman
Average volunteering
2 excellent Letters of Rec
good to excellent essays (subjective, who knows?)
No alumni or hooks

Will decisions be available online this year or will they go back to mailing them?

Oh wow, did georgetown use to mail them? I had no idea!

They used to mail them via snail mail pre-covid. I wonder if they’ll go back to it this year or if they’ll release them online for now on.

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