<p>I'm applying early action to Georgetown. What are my chances?</p>
My GPA is probably my weakest point. I've taken extra courses over the summer every year of school, and I had a 4.0 ninth through tenth grade, but due to personal issues last year, it dropped to a 3.88 weighted. I'm unsure of what it is without weight, as that number is not presented on my transcript. My curriculum is challenging. I take a fair number of APs when compared to how many my school offers.</p>
<p>Test Scores:
5 on AP Lang, 3 on another test that Georgetown does not take credit for.
SAT score between 2100 and 2200. (Retaking next month, expecting 2200+)</p>
I'm a member of NHS and various other clubs, president of my school's Model UN, and I founded an Amnesty International chapter independently at my high school. I also hold a large volunteer leadership position with the regional office of a large human rights organization, which borderlines on an internship. There is only one other HS student in VA with this position.</p>
<p>Volunteer experience:
I've tutored students from fourth grade to tenth. I'm also planning on volunteering with political campaigns and an urban homeless shelter in the next month. </p>
I work 35 hrs/week to pay for groceries, gas, etc. As well as to pay for expenses during college... I've had the same job for about a year.</p>
My public HS is extremely diverse.
I'm legacy to Georgetown (one of my parents attended the law school).
I have a great recommendation from a professor there.
I received A's in the undergraduate courses I took at Georgetown over the summer.</p>
<p>Assuming my essay and additional recommendation (from a HS teacher that knows me very well) are perfect, is Georgetown a realistic reach school?</p>