Georgetown University nursing program vs University of Michigan nursing program

My daughter has been accepted to both programs. We have hard time to make a decision. Any ideas? Thank you.

Are they both direct admit? Is there a significant difference in price? Proximity to clinicals? GPA required to stay in? Is one further away from home than the other (possible logistical issues)?

Those are some of the things I would compare.

May i ask you your daughter’s stats? My daughter wants to go to the nursing program as well she is a junior now. Any tips very appreciated.

In addition to the questions above, I would ask what the NCLEX pass rates are (probably both very high), number of clinical hours, and what semester do clinicals begin?


SAT I 1490
SAT ll Bio 750, Math 760, English 700
She is graduating from one of the most competitive CA public high schools. She has 3.94 GPA (her school doesn’t weight GPA) and many APs. She has several personal athletic awards; a captain of her HS water polo team, Vice President of a Spanish Club, fluent in three languages (I’ve heard that GU values this); participated in a mission trip to Mexico; lots of community service hours including hospitals and our neighborhood church; good essays and interview with alumni for GU.

Thank you very much! We will ask these questions while visiting.

I would choose purely on fit. The one is big public school the other much smaller catholic schools. I am sure your daughter has a preference. I bet Georgetown has core requirements so electives would be restricted. But that is not necessary a negative. Also look at opportunities abroad if that’s an interest. When it comes to the nursing schools they are both great and reputable. My daughter considered a few nursing schools last year (not those two though) and honestly she could achieve her goals and be successful in every single one of them. So I really doubt one of those schools is better than the other in quality of nursing. I would also look at location and which place has easier flights home…