Georgia Tech App

<p>I have been in accelerated math classes since 9th grade. The program has been called many things including Gifted and Talented, Accelerated and Enriched, and Honors and Accelerated. Basically it is an advanced math program for 20 - 30 students. Is there any way that I can show this on my academic report other than just writing Honors & Accelerated after the course name? I looked at the Honors status list, and it shows AP - Advanced Placement, IB - Interantional Baccalaureate, H - Honors, and G - Gift courses certified by your high school. What does G mean? or should I just put H?</p>


<p>If you were recognized and placed in gifted classes while you were in school then you
would mark gifted… If you’re not sure what a gifted class is then most likely you weren’t in one lol</p>

<p>It should say Gifted on your transcript in front of/after your course name.</p>