Georgia Tech Early Action for Fall 2023 Admission

It’s always been expected that decisions would be end of January, so they aren’t late. But obviously gaining an acceptance isn’t getting any easier!

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Georgia Tech doesn’t really do mass deferrals and chances of getting in after deferral over the past two years (classes of 2021 and 2022) is 20 percent (per the GT website). Although an admission after deferral is still a possibility, it is not like several years ago where ⅓ to ⅔ of deferred students were admitted.

As parent of a 2021 kid who was deferred then waitlisted, best to lower expectations for GT if you are deferred. If you get in in March, great, but 80 percent won’t. It is a highly competitive school with a small freshman class and is very desirable - there is just not enough space to take all the stellar applicants that apply.

my son was deferred so does he get notified in March on the same day as everyone else in RD? And did your son eventually end up at GT after being waitlisted?

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My worry about deferrals is just for this reason-- since the odds of a deferred acceptance are so low, an early rejection may not necessarily be worse than a deferral (and not necessarily better, either).


Yes. You will hear in March. Deferred applicants are put in the regular decision pool. And no the deferred child did not end up at Georgia Tech (I do have one there and my HS senior is likely going also). There were over 4000 people on the waitlist so waitlist chances are even lower. There are only about 2000 Georgia residents in the freshman class. He was offered a transfer pathway but was very happy where he landed and decided not to transfer. He is a finance major in the Terry Business School at UGA and it is a great fit.


My deferred son is very happy where he landed, and was actually offered a transfer pathway that he decided not to take, but it sure would’ve been easier had we treated the deferral as a rejection. We were very hopeful - he was in state, very high test scores, top of class. At the time, the website had not been updated and it said 1/3 of deferred applicants are admitted (that was not true that year or subsequent years).


If I recall correctly, only in-state applicants are offered a transfer pathway, right?

No. It is offered to in state and OOS (we have a CT friend who got one). There are multiple types detailed on the website but all have different qualifications. My son was a conditional transfer pathway recipient. They gave out 8000 pathways my sons year so not rare😉.

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For those with EA1 (Georgia resident) admitted students, housing opened this morning. FYI - as my admitted son didn’t get notice of it in his email nor did his friends. It is on the housing website though.

Maybe we have to send the score report from College board website (I think I sent my son’s scores from College board) - my portal also says “Official” and shows the score report (only totals - with the “subscores are not displayed but in our system” fine print) on View/Self Report…link with “Verified” status.
P.S: Son got accepted into MIT early thankfully


Wow, MIT! Congrats. Mind me asking his stats?

Thank you.
Valedictorian, perfect ACT, SAT 1570 -800+770, USAMO qualified 3 times, went to MOP last summer, MIT Primes, Poster session at JMM2023, Yau semifinalist (honorable mention), 10+ APs with 5 and Pres. of school and state MAO, did summer courses at CMU (Comp. Sci and Math) and Harvard (Math), NMSF.


nevermind. I see the response. Congrats! Those are impressive credentials.

Since your son got MIT, is there a point to wait for Georgia Tech? Why not give the seat to someone less fortunate ? :grinning: :grinning:


We already did…But I don’t consider less/more fortunate. It is not the college that makes it ranked higher that but the kid who studies there…I know a few who went to local state colleges but fared much better than the Ivies or equivalent graduates…Also, GT very close to MIT in some and beats it in some disciplines…


Crazily enough I know two people who turned down MIT for Georgia Tech. Both were Stamps scholarship recipients, which is an amazing program and a full ride.

There are always a few people that get into both and choose Tech for whatever reason.

Wouldn’t be surprised if he gets a Stamps invitation on the 24th


Why would you say GA tech is less fortunate. Every school provides different things. You might think it is better to go to MIT, but please don’t generalize it to others and categorize it as unfortunate.


Yes agree, DD chose to apply to Ga tech over MIT even though she thought about it for a long time. She just found comp media more of an attractive major at Ga Tech which is unique.


" P.S: Son got accepted into MIT early thankfully"

Geez, that was just a light-hearted response to FloDad’s comment. Why you need to be so sensitive? Georgia Tech is an excellent school but I believe for many popular engineering disciplines, most would choose MIT. That is just fact. You can always find counter examples with scholarships, specific professors, personal preferences…etc. Tell US News and World Report to not generalize with their overall engineering school ranking or overall university ranking.

I think money is definitely a factor. At full cost Georgia Tech is much more affordable than MIT with most of the same return.