Georgia Tech Early Action for Fall 2023 Admission

Re: housing, if we don’t put down the deposit now or soon, does dorm housing run out? is it not guaranteed? I hadn’t realized housing was first come first serve and didn’t want to accept an offer until sure. If housing is guaranteed, is it because students are allowed to choose their dorm (vs being assigned like other colleges) and there are some more desirable than others? Any intel on this? Do most students find a roommate? Are the dorms doubles or triples? Thanks!

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my son got the A/S (computational media) pathway also~

UvA had ED for a Very long time and then removed it for few years and re-implemented it. I was an ED admit to UVA in the mid 90s. UvA does not practice yield protection like other schools. It’s just a very highly selective schools from many ages ago.

As long as your child commits by May 1 they will have a dorm. There are mostly doubles, a few quads which are two rooms with a door in between, and maybe a triple or two. That may depend on demand.

In order to register for housing, you have to pay the $250 commitment deposit (non refundable but you can commit elsewhere later if you let GT know first so not binding) and an $80 housing application fee and sign the housing contract. Once you’ve done that, you get in line for housing. It is a priority system. To have the most choices, sooner is better. There are two sides of campus, and some students have a strong preference for one or the other.

As far as roommates go, there is a wide spectrum. A lot of kids will just “go random” which just means that you pick a spot in a room and don’t know who you will be living with. There Is an Instagram page for GT 27 where people are looking for roommates. Several years ago there was also a Facebook page and a discord and I assume those will exist this year as well but no idea how to locate.

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Is it not considered unethical? Lot of people we spoke cautioned that it continues to stay in the admission records that you committed and then broke the commitment, and might work against the student when they apply for MS or other further studies.

Did you see this?

There is no problem with committing to a school and then going somewhere else. It happens all of the time. And this is specifically how waitlists work. You just have to do it correctly. The important thing is that you cannot be committed to two schools at once. So if you commit to Georgia Tech and pay the housing deposit and then decide in April you want to go somewhere else, that is totally fine. You just have to let Georgia Tech know you won’t be coming and then you can proceed with your other school.

What is unethical is committing to Georgia Tech, and then later committing to a different school and not letting Georgia Tech know before you commit to the second school. That is double committing, and that is frowned upon.

That being said, if you are unsure there’s no reason to commit to Georgia Tech at this point. There are plenty of rooms and honestly most are equivalent. You would have to commit well into April I would guess to have slim pickings. Also if you do commit and then change your mind you lose $250 +$80, which is a deterrent to committing if you are unsure.

I don’t think there’s any way any other school would know or care. The issue like I mentioned is double committing and that could follow you in a negative way.


Question about “Pathway Program”…

Our son checked his portal a few days ago and said he was rejected. Was not a major surprise, great student but not over the top level like many here…

This morning I went into the portal and checked and it said “However, we are pleased to offer you the option of the Arts & Sciences Pathway Program for Fall 2024 as a transfer student.

Does everyone get this option if rejected? Anyone have experience with it? Is it as straight-forward as the site seems to indicate? Enroll in any US school, take the right courses, at least 30 hours, and maintain a 3.3 GPA - and then you’re in?

Any info appreciated


Thats great! following… are you instate or OOS?


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My OOS D23 was also offered the Art and Science pathway. She is Neuroscience major with premed intent. We are trying to learn more about this option to weigh against other college acceptances. It looks like transfer courses have to be very carefully planned.


That’s it. GT admission on instagram just posted a story about it. It is what they call a “secure offer“ and as long as you complete the requirements outlined in the pathway and in your admission letter you’re in. Basically, you have to use the transfer equivalency table to be sure all the classes that you take transfer to Georgia Tech and satisfy their requirements, you are required to take specific classes outlined by major, you need to get a 3.3 overall average and a 3.3 in math/science, apply by the deadline, and take 30 hours. APs don’t count towards the 30 hours but can be used to satisfy the course requirements.

As to whether it’s given to everybody, they say you have to be academically qualified which may include having completed through pre-calculus. They do give out a very generous number of transfer pathways and it is a great opportunity for someone who has a Georgia Tech as their dream school. Do note however that they are very strict about the pathway requirement. Every year there are kids barely under the GPA cut off that aren’t admitted.


My son also got the Arts & Sciences Pathway Program for Fall 2024
We are debating where to go for his first year of college to ensure his grades are up there…We are OOS though.


My OOS S23 is also offered the Art and Science pathway. Let’s keep in touch.

For everyone seriously considering the Pathway Program, many in-state students enroll at Georgia State for the first year. Georgia State is located near Georgia Tech so kids can start developing a cross campus social network, which helps when transferring to Tech. Georgia State counselors are used to this situation and are well versed in the course requirements.

I realize this may not be the best option financially or logistically for OOS students but just wanted to plant a seed for those where it may make sense.


Many are talking about Pathway Program and when I looked online, we thought that’s for Georgia residents. Are oos students offered that too sometimes? Son is deferred from EA2. Is pathway program a potential outcome by the time RD decision rolls out? Also, we are also confused as to major declaration. Son put down a first major and a second major. Do people get their second major sometimes?

Can someone PM me class27 FB groups or Instagram group?

Please share.

Transfer Pathways are offered to OOS students. Here is a link to the various pathways.

Since students can change majors freshman year, GT is not strictly admitting by major. Admissions uses that information to build a balanced class. They want diversity of interests plus they need to have the departmental resources to support the enrolled students.

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GT admission letter clearly mentioned the major for my son. He got the first choice major. I thought it was a direct admit.