@learning 19. I have a junior at GaTech.
Any student can take a summer job at any time. GaTech has many different job fairs for various majors and
students also use Indeed, an on line tool, to find summer work. Students at GaTech can be payed Teaching assistants for linear algebra as well, starting sophomore year. The student needs to pass a math exam and an interview.
Also upper classman have a chance to be resident assistants in the freshman dorms which gives the student FREE room and board for the year they live in the freshman dorm, in a single room. They have certain duties to help freshman in their dorm.
There are other on campus jobs as well. There are small scholarships for doing research projects on
campus , President’s undergraduate awards that can be used during a semester and pay students –
I would not worry about Grand Challenges, as it costs extra, unless your student really would benefit from
a group project that is in a social science/world problem area. Many very good students are rejected from Grand Challenges.
Students can apply once they get to GaTech to the Honors program and they can live at Cresine Hall on
the west side of campus in sophomore, junior and senior year. There is little to no programming requirements for honors, its just a shot at a nice housing arrangement on campus. its suite style housing, so four bedrooms, two bathrooms and one kitchen and furnished living room.
Honors gives students a chance to live with other serious students in Cresiine Hall and take a few humanities classes that may be slightly smaller.
All Gatech students have equal access to honors math classes, regardless of whether they sign up for the Honors Program at GaTech. Honors math classes are smaller, go at a rapid pace, and extend math knowledge with harder homework sets for those that may want to do theoretical computer science, or mathematics as a major.
Also there is plenty of on campus housing for upper classmen, regardless of whether they do Honors or Grand Challenges, so it makes little difference down the road.