Georgia Tech vs CWRU vs PSU Schreyer for Biomedical Engineering

DS visiting all three… and he will decide (see other threads).

PSU Schreyer Honors about $27.5K/yr
GT about $47.5K/yr
CWRU about $60K/yr

Biomedical engineering, with possibility of med school. Cost not an issue. We cannot gauge just yet as visits are coming up… and we’ll talk in car and on plane… but seems to be 49% chance PSU Schreyer as small college within large campus, rural, secluded, and sets up well for med school if interested… 49% chance GT as like the “big name” and top ranking… and 2% chance attend CWRU (cost not issue, but double that of PSU but recent blogs suggest they are not as miserable as they once were, possibly nurture students more, but he’d get that at Schreyers, etc.)

Its his decision… but recommendations? (no judgement needed, he will decide, he just added one school on us to visit).

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I think the correct way to make the decision from an academic/professional point of view is to visit the two departments and ask the students what the pros and cons of the departments are, and look at internships and final placements for jobs, and ask about average gpa, and weekly workload etc. Talk to people that you know from your school that went a year or two ago to either place. Do a long lunch or dinner with each of them, or in small groups.


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The newness appears that cwru is added to the mix.

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“DS visiting all three… and he will decide (see other threads).”

This is all that matters. You can get stats galore - costs (not an issue), placement (med school or otherwise) - in advance. You can study them ad nauseum.

But he’s going to visit all three (I thought CWRU was out). One is small, adjacent to a city, with what I think are “werid” sculputures.

One is in the middle of nowhere and huge - your goal will be to meet with Honors kids (not just tourguides) and find out - can this gigantic school be made small.

And then there’s Ga Tech - in a much more urban area, big city, smart kids galore…focused on STEM.

That’s why you’re visiting.

Make sure you eat in dining halls (and get ice cream at the PSU dairy), stop on campus and talk to kids. If you want pre meetings with profs…thats’ great too - but nothing beats stopping kids on campus and chatting.

Hopefully by walking around one will speak to him.

The data points at this point don’t matter if you’re going to visit…they are just stats…and hopefully he’ll say dad, this is where I belong!!!

And then you get to stroke the check!!

I say it’s 33/33/33 - not 49/49/2 - because if money doesn’t matter, then you shouldn’t say that CWRU is double PSU.

It’s a fair reason to choose a school - money - but then you’d just skip Cleveland althogether :slight_smile:
So if you’re going , it’s 33/33/33.

Let us know how it goes.

How are the visits going? It gets overwhelming with all the shiny new toys at each different campus…

Yes, shiny new toys at each campus!!! Well, as a parent, I think we are giving ourselves a pat on the back! Some of the users here suggest we’re pressuring our kid and what not (nothing further from reality, but interesting comments). We went out of our way to repeat we support whatever decision is made, were mostly quiet, were mostly one step behind the guided tour, etc.

Now, having spent 6 hours on three campuses… we’re letting him rest, think about it, and then… in a week or so… request he make a final decision, say by Good Friday, so we can plant the flag and start moving forward (and also release spots for others).

All schools when visiting can envision DS there and doing well.

CWRU, really upped game in last 30 years (like every school?) but clearly understand supply and demand! I think its a great school, but, b/c I went there… he might decide elsewhere.

PSU SHC, really-really big school!!! But, with SHC, there was no one thing that was a “wow factor”… other than, it would seem to me, being 1 of 300, as a parent, one might think the university might give those 300 kiddos slightly more attention, slightly more access, etc., but its still up to the student. As a parent, I really really like the idea of being around the top? 300 kiddos of all majors and growing together.

GT … high energy, probably most impressive of three as viewed as a parent and granted all accepted student programs are a bit staged… even walking around campus there was a greater buzz, vibe, energy.

No clue what DS will decide. It seems down to 2… mainly b/c listening to DS… he can go to SHC for $27k per year vs CWRU for $58K per year… and get personalized attention at SHC access, etc., when compared to CWRU (his words, not mine, everyone can chill).

So by default that pits GT vs PSU SHC… and frankly, DS, is right back where we started. City/EngineeringFocus/FarFromHome/etc.etc. vs. Rural/Multifaceted/ClosetoHome/etc.etc.

Hoping in next 7 days he indulges us with his decision. Trying to get him to plant flag and move forward without rushing him.

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Can’t remember if I told you this yet or not… if GT is a possibility, make sure to consider applying to an LLC now - the deadline to apply is April 9th(next Sunday!!). You don’t have to have committed to GT to apply, and there’s no commitment to join the LLC if you get in. You can apply to more than one. Main benefits are: immediate group of friends & known housing (b/c it’s getting a bit late to join the general housing application pool). Applying is a bit painful b/c you have to write another essay, but hopefully by this point you’ve got a whole treasure trove of essays to pick & choose, cut & paste to fit into the prompt.

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Glad to hear you are making progress.

Penn state may be big, but that offers lots of opportunities for kids to get involved. The hardest thing for freshman is to figure out their “place”. And sometimes that changes over 4 years also.

Sounds like your son has 3 great options!

(Feel free to DM me if ?’s about schreyer).

GT … final answer.

And, note already invited/accepted to the Explore LLC


Wonderful! Congratulations!! I hope he loves it :slight_smile:

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