Georgia Tech vs UIUC for CS Major [rigor vs work life balance]

Thanks. We visited Atlanta for few hours, 2 weeks ago and liked the place the campus, the vibe, the energy amongst students.

Thanks. She is excited and looking forward.She was offered one program, Global Leadership, in term 1, which she has accepted.

We are coming under international / OOS student category, so cost-wise both are same. My son recently graduated in CS from U Mich. As compared to that, cost here is quite reasonable/ low.

Yes, I did read all the threads and they were very helpful. Sill had some doubt on certain aspects and found the specific comments very useful in my case. In fact If I had not received specific replies from various members in last few days, I feel, I would have made less informed decision. After getting comments from members here, I felt much more confident about making the right choice.


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