<p>Will I be pulling my hair out trying to keep a high GPA? I am Senior in HS right now with a little CC experience. I am taking Poli Sci 101 right now and 102 next semester. I like being more independent as well as the change of pace. My high school stats are 3.4 gpa and 1710 SAT score. My weakness is math, and science is also challenging sometimes. My plans/dreams include transferring to UCLA for its famous psychology program. </p>
<p>I was overjoyed to discover that all the psych prereqs are included in the IGETC. This, plus the fact I will have 2 social science courses knocked out prior to attending San Diego Mesa College makes my life a little easier. </p>
<p>I am motivated too. The idea of being a part of UCLA's psych program, while living with my grandma in the Pacific Palisades, is pushing me to study my butt off. I am willing to work hard if it opens the door to my dreams. But exactly how hard is it to juggle multiple courses while getting a great GPA at community college?</p>
<p>It’s possible, is it going to be time consuming? Yes. It’s going to take dedication, self-discipline, and hard work to get 4.0. </p>
<p>But another problem is actually registering for the classes. There are thousands of people trying to register for a limited amount of courses that is available. And usually it gets filled by the time you can enroll.</p>
<p>Just some people got the talent to do it. exm , my friend, he is not even show up to his classes, he goes to the club, he partying, yet he did go over his notes because he missed classes. All those, at the end, he got all As in econ, calculus, physic, and english. There are people who is smart, so they don’t need to work hard to get 4.0. Some are average, so it takes dedication, hard work to be succeed. Another type of student is the one who are good at reading the book. They don’t need to show up to class and still get good grade.</p>
<p>@lawlking, How should I deal with the quick filling registration? I am already going to apply early and I am willing to take some courses at the downtown campus of my CC. What else can I do?</p>
<p>@Ferrari4XD Good point. I envy those people! I am sort of a book-person, but it till takes a lot of effort. I pay attention and take pretty good notes, but I mainly use those notes as a checklist while I read/hi-light material in my textbook. Got a 99% on my poli sci</p>
<p>^^Well, they usually give those who have certain amount of units (usually a lot of units) priority registration. Then those who have less are placed behind – and lastly the new students are given the last priority to register. By then, the new students, or those with not a lot of units, usually end of not getting the class they need or professors with bad review. If you end up not getting any classes for that semester, try to find an open class that is UC-transferable – just so, at least you are closer to 60 UC Units.</p>
<p>And always be a continuing students, meaning take Fall and Spring semester but also take Summer! If you take Summer full-time then you are even finishing the requirements faster.</p>
<p>@lawlking Oh, okay, I see. So I should be okay because I am doing the IGETC? (a lot of units = priority)</p>
<p>Priority as in how much overall units you actually have.</p>
<p>For example:
Student A has overall 45 units done at his community college
Student B has overall 9 units done at the same community college</p>
<p>Student A will have priority over Student B. And student B will have registration priority over those who have even fewer than him.</p>
<p>are you trolling?</p>
<p>i dont know of any CC that assign registration dates based on # of units taken. the only time priority is given is for veterans/disabled/special circumstances.</p>
<p>aside from that minority everybody is given a date and a time. nothing to do with units completed.</p>
<p>^^Me trolling? No, I wouldn’t waste my time.</p>
<p>Veterans + Student ASB get priority. Then goes those with the most units and etc. At least how it goes in my CC</p>
<p>@SFK: I’m sorry but you are the one ■■■■■■■■. Read this: [Winter</a> 2012 Registration | Foothill College](<a href=“http://www.foothill.fhda.edu/reg/winter12.php]Winter”>http://www.foothill.fhda.edu/reg/winter12.php)
And a gazillion of other colleges give students priority based on units completed</p>
<p>^ i agree. At my ccc,
freshmen registration for spring is 11/30
second year 11/25
third 11/20 EOPS
four + 11/15–EOPS</p>
<p>Keep in mind it will be my first year at CC. I a senior at HS right now. I will only have 6 credits for taking two poli sci courses. But I would expect I will have more than most other applicants. At San Diego Mesa College, most would have none. Unless their in the accelerated college program like me.</p>
<p>It’s not too bad, as long as you don’t work, or work a part-time job for only 1-2 hours a day.</p>
<p>It also depends on schools, classes, and instructors. There are some that just give free A’s, and some you work your butt off and still get an F</p>
<p>San Diego Mesa is actually a nice place, and if you can also take courses concurrently at MiraCosta, it will be a plus. I recall reading an article that says MiraCosta ranked among the top ten CC in the nation. Don’t ask me where that article is, I don’t remember.</p>
<p>Finally, it’s up to you
You are the only one that can tell whether you will be able to pull a 4.0 or not. I think if you really commit to studying and place that as your top priority, anything is possible.</p>
<p>Plus, considering you are still a HS senior and have already planned ahead that far, I think you can do it. Good luck.</p>
<p>Thank you sparkyboy.</p>
<pre><code> :,)
<p>I’m close to finishing up my third semester of CC, and I still have a 4.0. These are tips from my experience:</p>
<p>-Get a good counselor and develop a plan of classes for the semester. Go back to this same counselor often, because they will become familiar with your educational goals and desires, as well as where you will want to transfer.</p>
<p>-Pick up the upcoming semester class catalog as soon as you can and pick your classes well ahead of your registration date. Ratemyprofessor.com helps you find good professors, but take it with a grain of salt. Pick classes that can fit your schedule the way you want it to, but have backup courses ready. You might not get what you want all the time.</p>
<p>-Yes, to get a 4.0, you are going to have to work for it.
Make studying a priority, look over the class syllabi, and stay organized.</p>
<p>-The best part is that professors at CCs usually want everyone in their class to succeed, so they will provide you with good help when you ask for it. Unlike university professors, they are NOT trying to fit their class’s grades to a bell curve. Use that to your advantage and work hard to get those A’s.</p>
<p>If a dope like me can get a 4.0, then you should be completely fine!</p>
<p>^^Gettinthatofosho. Take as many classes as you can possible. The more unit you build up the closer you are to priority. So, by the time you graduate from high school and start during Fall 2012 you will be almost half-way done.</p>
<p>Thanks lawl and silver. I’m really just trying to soak all this info up while I plan my CC journey. I want it to be a smooth ride</p>