Getting a Job After Getting Undergrad Degree

I currently pursuing an Electrical Engineering (EE) undergrad degree. I have a decent amount of research experience but I haven’t done any internships. I want to do a Master of Science (MS) in communication networks or robotics.

(i) Can I get an internship after I graduate? I’m not sure if it would be weird to get an internship with a bachelor’s degree. But, it would be perfect if I get an internship because I’m going to have a couple of months before starting my Masters. I figure it would be better to get an internship than get a full-time job and quit really fast.

(ii) I’m planning to do a co-op during my Masters. My concern is after I get Masters, would I be considered overqualified if I have a BS and MS but only one co-op as my main work experience? This is kinda in the future right now for me but I still want to know. If I would be overqualified then I might take a full-time position for a couple years before doing my Masters.

Thanks for the help!

  1. There are a few internships out there for recent graduates, but not many. You’d have to look around to find one.

  2. Maybe, but probably not. It depends on the field. But full-time work experience + MS is virtually always better than no work experience + MS.